05 May 2022 – Difficult Questions – Part 6

Acts 26:14 ‘Saul, Saul, why do you persecute me? It is hard for you to kick against the goads.’

‘Kicking against the goad’ is a very common Greek idiomatic expression of a ‘rebellious ruinous resistance’. It is a figurative phrase to describe ‘self-destructive stubbornness’. Goad is a slender stick/timber that is sharp at one end and blunt at the other. It is used to urge a mulish bull into action. The resisting oxen will only stab his own flesh by kicking against the goad. The resurrected Christ asked Saul, who was later known as Paul the Apostle, a very difficult question. ‘Saul, Saul, why do you persecute me?’. Saul in his encounter with Jesus saw a gruesome vision of him not just slaughtering Christians but persecuting Christ. Jesus gave him a succinct one-line sermon ‘It is hard for you to kick against the goads.’ Rebellion against the Maker, His mandate and ministers of God is nothing but self-harming kicks against the goads.

When the children of God face fierce storms and ferocious attacks, they qualm and question the presence of God in the crucial circumstances. The Sanhedrin tried to crush the growing sect of Christianity by persecuting the followers of Jesus but a well respected Hebrew scholar Gamaliel advised the council, “Men of Israel,..Leave these men alone! Let them go! For if their purpose or activity is of human origin, it will fail. But if it is from God, you will not be able to stop these men; you will only find yourselves fighting against God.” (Acts 5:35,38&39). Those who oppose the Godly are fighting against God, not against His children.      

Hence when we go through unexpected oppositions, trials and fierce resistance, remember, the battle is not between you and the enemy, it is between God and the adversary.

Where is God when we are persecuted?          

1.     Goad: The Lord is holding the goad against the persecutors when His children are slandered, mistreated or robbed. The persecution might hurt the children of God temporarily but it leaves permanent damage on the oppressors. So don’t retaliate. Don’t repost slurs to retaliate the slander on FaceBook or curse the tyrants who hurt you or your children. Bless those who hurt, defame and persecute you. God has the goad held against the oppressors.

2.     Gloat: The Lord will shut the gloating lips. The LORD shall cut off all flattering lips, and the tongue that speaks proud things (Psalm 12:3). Don’t try to refute the proud. Anything that is false will be disproved by God. The slanderous think they are hurting you but they are mocking the Holy Spirit who dwells within you. God will slam the arrogant lips with the goad.       

  1. Guns: Spiritual weapons are not guns, swords or stabbing words. The spiritual weapons are fasting, the blood of Jesus and the Word of God. Counterattack the oppressors by fasting and praying. Use the promises of God as the sword to nullify the curses of the tormenter. Apply the blood over your household. Goad is God’s weapon, not yours.

The goad is in God’s hands against the adversary.

Zachariah 2:8 For whoever touches you touches the apple of His eye.

Prayer: Compassionate Father, You are not far away when I go through persecution. You are standing right next to me with the goad pointed against the gloater. Amen.

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