21 May 2022 – Signs vs Superstitions – Part 1

2 Kings 21:6 In the two courts of the temple of the LORD, he built altars to all the starry hosts. He sacrificed his own son in the fire, practiced divination, sought omens, and consulted mediums and spiritists. He did much evil in the eyes of the LORD, arousing his anger.

God led Israel with signs and wonders but the signs were to point people towards God and not distract them away from Him. Over the years, after Israel comfortably settled in the Promised Land, they stopped seeking the Lord but went after superstitions and sorcery.  When God is absent in the sign, a sign becomes a superstition. Rather than fasting and praying for direction, if we believe that the footsteps of a rabbit brings luck, it becomes detestable to the Lord.   

King Manasseh was the king of Judah. He had a Godly upbringing. His father Hezekiah was a God fearing King who made the nation turn towards God. Manasseh, his son, on the contrary practiced despicable practices. He offered his son as a sacrifice to an idol in fire. He practiced divination, fortunetelling, consulted mediums and spirits and built altars to the starry hosts in the temple of the Lord. In other words, he brought astrology, astronomy and horoscopes into the church! Consulting God’s creation rather than the Creator, and seeking  sorcerers rather than searching the scriptures for guidance are appalling practices. Observing auspicious times or dates for weddings, matching horoscopes of marriage proposals, looking for omens, lucky charms and engaging with spiritists, astrologers, psychics or mediums will arouse the anger of God.

Three things that we will lose when we are steeped in superstition:       

1.     Favour: When we seek anything or anyone other than God, we will lose the favour of God. Everything that we had taken for granted will fall apart. There will be strife and struggle for even the fundamental essentials for a family. Confessing and repenting will bring us back into the fence of God’s favour.

2.     Fortification: We will lose the protection of God. The divine invisible protection that is on us 24/7 will be removed. When there are objects and lucky charms in the house to bring fortification and fortune, the presence of the Lord will leave. Get rid of any sorcery, crystal ball, tarot cards, mojo or any images or idols from your home or workplace.

  1. Fervor: When compromise creeps in we will lose the passion to live audaciously for the Lord. Erase your mind from the lies implanted by superstition. It is not how many steps we walk that make us holy, only walking according to God’s word purifies us.  It is not the place or practices but the presence of God that stirs up our fervor . Jesus replied, “believe me, a time is coming when you will worship the Father neither on this mountain nor in Jerusalem (John 4:12). Discard vain myths and old ladies fables. 

Any practice of superstition is disgusting to the Lord.  

Leviticus 19:31 ‘Do not turn to mediums or seek out spiritists, for you will be defiled by them. I am the LORD your God.

Prayer: Father God, You are the creator of the starry hosts and the cosmos. Your word is final. Keep me away from any superstitious beliefs. Amen.

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