27 May 2022 – Signs vs Superstitions – Part 7

Proverbs 20:1 “Wine is a mocker, strong drink is a brawler, and whoever is led astray by it is not wise.”

In most cultures both in the west and the east drinking has become a social compulsion. Drinks and drugs have become a must to be socially accepted. Teetotalers are ostracized and are treated as “socially awkward”.  The Bible is very clear on any intoxicating drinks or mind controlling drugs. “Be sober-minded” (1 Peter 5:8a). Entertainment drugs and alcoholic drinks have a profound effect on the structure of the brain. It blocks the chemical signals between the brain cells causing impulsive behavior, slurred speech, poor memory, psychosis, anxiety and slowed reflexes. The word pharmacy came from the Greek word, ‘pharmakeia’. Pharmakeia was also interchangeably used for sorcery. Witchcraft practices use alcohol and drugs to control the victims with the bloodthirsty spirit of violence, homicide, rapes and merciless killings.  

The first drunkard recorded in the Bible was Noah. After the great rescue from the flood, Noah planted a vineyard. When he drank some of its wine, he became drunk and lay uncovered inside his tent (Genesis 9:21). Ham, the second son of Noah (father of Canaan) saw his father naked, ridiculed and reported to his brothers. The other two sons walked backward and covered their father’s nakedness. But when Noah woke up he cursed his grandson Canaan, the son of Ham. “Cursed be Canaan! The lowest of slaves will he be to his brothers.” (Genesis 9:25). Bible scholars believe that Canaan committed incest with his grandfather and brought curse upon himself.  Even today, the Canaanites, the enemies of the Israelites, are a cursed generation.

Culture vs Curses:              

1.     Drinks: Alcohol is also very much associated with revelry and ritualized madness. In the Greco-Roman religion, “Dionysus” is a ‘nature-god of fruitfulness’, is also known as a “god of wine and ecstasy”. Even casual drinking and entertainment drugs  invite demonic invasion into our lives. The Bible is very clear that a habit of drinking leads to debauchery (immorality). It could be the culture of your country or community but getting high on intoxicating drinks brings curse on our family line.      

2.     Drugs: Cocaine, heroin, ecstasy (MDMA) or (Meth), marijuana, cannabis, peyote or magic mushrooms are not listed in the Bible but any abuse of drugs that alter the state of mind is prohibited. If our body is the temple of the Holy Spirit our mind cannot be controlled by demonic drugs that lures us into wickedness.  

  1. Death: Drinking and drug culture causes spiritual and physical death. Noah was vulnerable when he was drunk hence, he could not prevent the incest. Yet he woke up stigmatized after being disgraced.  The purpose of the occult is to condemn and control the soul by altering our behaviour through substance or sorcery. Inebriate drinks and drugs are a conduit to occultism/witchcraft. Do not get drunk on wine, which leads to debauchery (Ephesians 5:18).

Occultism alters the state of our sober mind through substance, sorcery and inebriating drinks. Drinks and drugs lead to debauchery.  

Leviticus 20:27 A man or woman who is a medium and has a familiar spirit or is a wizard shall surely be put to death.

Prayer: Heavenly Father, give me the grace to shut the demonic doors of drinks and drugs. May I always be sober and sanctified.  Amen.

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