28 May 2022 – Rattling the Cage – Part 1

John 2:15 So he made a whip out of cords, and drove all from the temple courts, both sheep and cattle; he scattered the coins of the money changers and overturned their tables.

Have you noticed, when you start praying fervently for an issue, the problem grows bigger? It feels like all of hell has been let loose as soon as we start fasting and praying? Fasting and praying rattles the cage and brings out everything that was hidden in the dark. God will not put a band-aid when we need a deep cleaning. The poisonous roots have to be surgically removed before the affected area can be stitched up. When we pray for a wayward child or spouse, they would become uncontrollably violent, abusive or arrogant. When we start praying for a quarrel, qualm or quest it would turn humongous. The experience will not be pleasant but is essential to find a permanent remedy to our crisis. Rattling the cage is a soul cleansing experience to get rid of dead deeds, habits and traditions. It is like shaking the dead leaves to make the tree healthy.

Jesus, who is meek and mild, rattled the cage and took a whip in His hands when He saw the atrocity at the temple courts. The Sanhedrin (the governing body of the temple at Jerusalem) had added to the Mosaic law numerous financial and traditional regulations for worship. Jews scattered around Egypt, Rome, Mesopotamia (Iraq), Cyrene and Libya (Greece) and Asia came to Jerusalem thrice a year. They had to exchange their currencies at an exorbitant rate at the temple court. Further the visitors were forced to buy their sacrificial lambs, sheep, cattle or grains at the temple. Freewill offering had become forced offering! Jesus was watching the monstrosity and usurp of the temple authorities year after year. He made a whip with the bits and pieces that he found in the court area and drove the cattle, sheep and the moneylenders from the temple.

Jesus said, It is written, “My house is the house of prayer” (Luke 19:26) & (Isaiah 56:7). He rattled the Semitic traditions, practices and sacrificial regulations that were looting the innocent people who came to worship God.

Why rattle?:         

1.     Ruckus: Rattling will result in a ruckus but when the dust settles down, the truth will surface. Don’t be overwhelmed when the problem blows-up out of proportion. Remain steadfast in prayer. It becomes bigger before it gets better. Ruckus is part of the rattling.      

2.     Relieves: Rattling is to bring relief. In the ruckus some truth will be on display. Sometimes it might be an ugly display but it is better to be exposed than be hidden. The issue rattles before the relief.   

  1. Revisits: Rattling helps us to revisit our routine, rituals and religiosity. “If you want different results, do not do the same things” – Albert Einstein.  Rattling helps us to revisit and refresh.

Rattling the cage is to get rid of the dead deeds and start afresh.  

Matthew 21:12 Jesus entered into the temple of God, and drove out all of those who sold and bought in the temple, and overthrew the money changers’ tables.

Prayer: Dear Jesus, after fervent prayers, when the issues get bigger, help me to understand that the burden is in the process of transforming into a blessing.  Amen.

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