30 May 2022 – Rattling the Cage – Part 3

Exodus 3:2  There the angel of the Lord appeared to him in flames of fire from within a bush. Moses saw that though the bush was on fire it did not burn up.

God will rattle the ordinary to accomplish the extraordinary. He will rattle our mundane routine to execute a marvelous miracle. The Lord God rattled the quiet day of a shepherd Moses to ricochet him into his destiny. Moses found the backside of the wilderness with the small flock of his father-in-law. Shepherding was his newly acquired skill. Moses was the prince of Egypt. Moses was educated in all the wisdom of the Egyptians and was powerful in speech and action (Acts 7:22). Yet his impetuous sin made the short tempered, hot-head Moses flee from Egypt to Midian. He killed an Egyptian and escaped from Egypt as a convict.

Moses was very settled in his new life as a shepherd in the house of Jethro, his father-in-law. He married Zipporah (Jethro’s daughter) and had two sons. The life of a shepherd in Midian was serene and sapid. No performance, popularity or positional pressure. From the throne of the most powerful kingdom he had become a ‘nobody’ in the backside of the desert. Moses did not complain. He probably accepted the change as his destiny and enjoyed shepherding. But God decided to interject his tranquility and change his destiny. He rattled the cage and sent Moses back to the same Egypt that he fled from. After the Lord God commissioned Moses, Moses threw his last card of excuse, “Pardon your servant, Lord. I have never been eloquent, neither in the past nor since you have spoken to your servant. I am slow of speech and tongue” (Exodus 4:10). This was a blatant lie as we know that Moses was both educated and eloquent. The rattling delivered “the deliverer”, Moses, from fear, lying and murderous anger.  

God rattles our cage for us to experience His supernatural providence:                

1.     Extraordinary: The Lord rattles our ordinary life to move us into extraordinary encounters. When a sale falls through, when a promising promotion/job is declined, when the situation turns from ‘tough’ to ‘terrible’, remember God is taking us through an extraordinary encounter. We experience the supernatural only when the natural fails.       

2.     Extraterrestrial: The Lord rattles the terrestrial to endow the extraterrestrial. The Lord empowered Moses with miraculous signs before he sent him back to Egypt. The staff in his hands turned to snakes and his hand inside his cloak turned leprous. The extraterrestrial experiences move us into the miraculous realm.   

  1. Embellish: The Lord rattles our life to embellish the mess into a miracle. The life of Moses was buried in a messy past. God had to humble the prince to a peasant before He promoted him to become the greatest pastor who ever lived. The rattling is to embellish our future.

Rattling the cage is to move us from the ordinary to extraordinary encounters. 

Exodus 3:12a And God said, “I will be with you”.

Prayer: Father God, the rattling is uneasy and even disappointing but help me to embrace the truth that the rattling is to move me to embellish my destiny.  Amen.

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