08 June 2022 – Breaking Stigma and Shame – Part 4

Joshua 5:9 Then the Lord said to Joshua, “Today I have rolled away the reproach of Egypt from you.” So the place has been called Gilgal to this day.

The meaning of the name Gilgal is “rolling.”  The Hebrew word Gilgal means a wheel or circle, or something that rolls. At Gilgal there was something very significant that happened to the Joshua generation. The whole nation was circumcised and they remained where they were in camp until they were healed (Joshua 5:8). After the congregation was circumcised and healed, the Lord said, “Today I have rolled away the shame and stigma that incarcerated you in Egypt” (paraphrased). To the New Testament Christian, the spiritual circumcision of the heart is the surgery that heals us from guilt, shame and stigma.

Spiritual circumcision means disconnecting from the shameful past. To heal from shame and stigma, the past dead deeds must be severed. Repenting and renouncing heals guilt. We have renounced the things hidden because of shame (2 Corinthians 4:2a). Hiding in remorse doesn’t heal, it only damages the heart with shame.  Guilt that is internalized turns into shame. Guilt makes you perceive that you did something wrong. Shame says that you are ‘a mess’ or ‘an irreversible mistake’. Shame and stigma in coalition brands us as “socially unacceptable” and imprisons us in the cold grave of disgrace. Joshua’s generation was born into slavery in the prison infamy. They were physically delivered from the clutches of the oppressors but they were still emotionally imprisoned to the stigma of worthlessness. The physical mark on their body was to rebrand them as God’s chosen generation and His special people. 

Three steps to roll the stone of shame away:                

1.     Renounce: Disconnect the ‘action’ from the ‘person’. Remember the mistake was a bad decision but you are not a mistake. You are not worthless, You are precious in the eyes of God. The childhood abuse, humiliation, dishonor, failure, divorce, improper behaviour or immorality of the past does not define you. Repentance and renouncement puts us back into the position of sons and daughters, not slaves and servants (1 John 1:9). So, rip and strip the shame away.        

2.     Roll: Roll the stone of shame and walk out with your head held high. Shame droops the shoulders and drowns the eyes but remember Jesus took all our shame to the cross. He hung naked on the cross to set us free from our shameful past. He kicked open the grave to set us free from the cold sepulture of shame. Roll the stone away.       

  1. Reverse: The blood of Jesus reverses the past disgrace into honour. Paul proudly says, If boasting is necessary, I will boast about my weaknesses (2 Corinthians 11:30). The power of the purifying and redeeming blood of Jesus wipes away our past and gives us a brand new start. The cross and the blood reverses curses into blessing and shame into significance. Reverse shame.

Renounce the shameful deeds, roll away the stigma and reverse shame. The stone is already rolled away, so walk out of the prison of shame. 

Isaiah 61:7 Instead of shame and dishonor, you will enjoy a double share of honor.

Prayer: Dear Jesus, help me to circumcise myself from all dead deeds and defaming thoughts  that chain me to shame.  Amen.

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