20 June 2022 – GPS – Part 2

Proverbs 3:6 In all thy ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct thy paths.

The Global Positioning System (GPS) has three components that must communicate with each other. The satellites circling the earth that transmit signals, the monitoring stations on the earth and the user GPS equipment. The monitoring stations track the satellites in space and monitor transmissions. The satellites communicate to the GPS devices though the ground aerials located in the monitoring stations. If there is a disconnection in any of the devices the signals from the satellites cannot be transmitted through to the GPS device.

The GPS transmission of signals and codes from the satellite to the GPS gadget is a perfect paradigm of our communication with the Lord who is seated in the heavenlies. God’s Positioning System also has three segments – the Holy Spirit, our soul and our body. Our directions, instructions and information come from the divine satellite in heaven. The monitoring station is our “soul/mind” and the GPS gadget is our “physical body”. Only when our mind is connected to the Spirit of God who speaks, guides, comforts and leads, He will be able to guide our path. If the mind is processing problems, perturbations and ‘people pleasing plans’, it will be cluttered and clogged. It cannot connect with the heavenly satellite (the Holy Spirit) for guidance. The body (the GPS equipment) makes no decisions, it just follows the mind. “Where the mind goes the man goes” – Joyce Meyer.     

The keys to receive insights, instructions, and information from God’s Positioning System:    

1.     Satellite: The GPS system is continuously updated with the new locations in the different countries. Every street, cul-de-sac and corner is captured by the satellite. Likewise, the Bible is not an outdated book written thousands of years ago. It has answers to the current issues. There are antidotes to the pandemic, unemployment, and recession in the Bible. The divine satellite is up to date.  

2.     Synchronize: The satellite, the monitoring system and the GPS device must sync with each other to display the correct result. Human intelligence, degrees or aptitude cannot impart divine direction. Only the Holy Spirit can. These are the things God has revealed to us by his Spirit. The Spirit searches all things, even the deep things of God (1 Corinthians 2:10). A soul that is tied to emotional entanglements, worldly pleasures and avaricious greed cannot sync with the Holy Spirit or receive guidance. The body follows the soul that is synchronized with the Spirit.  

  1. Signal: The signal between the satellite and the device will be interrupted due to poor installation, defective hardware, low battery or in remote location. Metaphorically, if our relationship with the Lord is not sturdy, we will have a hardware problem. If we don’t strengthen ourselves in prayer, fasting and Bible reading our spiritual battery will run low. If we are distracted by worldly connections or steeped in dark distractions, the divine signal will be weak. Stable relationship with the Holy Spirit communicates clear direction.   

Synchronize the three-way connection to be guided by the Holy Spirit.

Psalm 32:8 For I shall teach you; I shall make known to you the way in which to go and I shall set my eyes upon you.

Prayer: Dear Holy Spirit, be my inner voice and the God’s Positions System that leads my life. Amen.

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