26 June 2022 – Unending Episodes – Part 1

Luke 18:18 A certain ruler asked Him, “Good teacher, what must I do to inherit eternal life?”

A rich young ruler met Jesus with the most succulent question what must I do to inherit eternal life?”.  However, the encounter came to a crashing end as an “unending episode”. This young man loved the Lord. He was an ardent follower of the Law of Moses. Jesus saw the sincerity of His heart. Jesus looked at him and loved him (Mark 10:21).  The rich ruler fulfilled all the commands but there was one thing lacking. Jesus said, distribute your wealth to the poor and follow me. When he heard this, he became very sad, because he was very wealthy. (Luke 18:23). After this we do not hear about the young man. He was not at the foot of the cross for forgiveness. He was not found among the disciples at the death or the resurrection of Jesus. His unwillingness to obey the voice of the Master stole eternal life from him.

Liquidating the property and distributing the wealth is not the precondition to inherit Heaven. Jesus knew the weakness of the man hence dealt specifically with the issue. The Life-Giver Jesus could see the shackle of money-craze controlling the young man. All who came to Him for His teaching, miracles or blessings went back with the most precious gift of eternal life but this man who came to Jesus for eternal life went back empty. Unfortunately, there are many such young and old in every generation who miss eternity as they are unable to let go of the earthly pleasures, possessions, or power.

Apostle Paul was also a rich, educated, eloquent, young leader yet, he says, For His sake I have lost everything, and I consider it all garbage, so that I may gain Christ (Philippians 3:8b). Hence, Paul left epistles, not unending episodes.

Three lessons from the rich ruler:    

1.     Severe:Enthusiasm and excitement does not earn eternal life, only obedience and discipline does. Severe power, possession or popularity that hinders your relationship with God. The most precious possession of this world is worth nothing in the heavenly kingdom. Apostle Paul severed his friendships with the affluent Sanhedrin community, his wealth and networth to embrace the most valuable eternal life. Server ungodly fellowships.  

2.     Sacrifice:Salvation is free, but sanctification requires sacrifice.All are welcomed into the shelter of the Most High God. The drunkard, adulterer, fornicator, slanderer, idolater can come to Christ just as they are but cannot remain in their old lifestyles. We must crucify our fleshly desires and sacrifice our worldly lifestyles to inherit the everlasting blessings. Sanctification requires sacrifice.  

  1. Select: Choose holiness or worldliness. God is not our decision maker. He has given us the wisdom to choose right from wrong. We cannot be in the wrong place, with the wrong people doing the wrong stuff and expect a free ride to heaven. Select Godliness.

May our encounters with Jesus be epitomic examples not unending episodes.

Deuteronomy 30:19 I’ve set life and death before you today: both blessings and curses. Choose life.

Prayer: Heavenly Father, give me the strength to overcome temporary pleasures and temptations to inherit eternal life. Amen.

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