29 June 2022 – Unending Episodes – Part 4

Acts 5:34 But a Pharisee named Gamaliel, a teacher of the law, who was honored by all the people, stood up in the Sanhedrin and ordered that the men be put outside for a little while.

There are scores of atheists and agnostics who have converted from nontheism to Christianity while investigating the authenticity of the Bible. C.S. Lewis, the British novelist who was an atheist in his early twenties was transformed into a theologian by extensive study of the scriptures.  Lee Strobel, the former investigative journalist of the Chicago Tribune, became a Christian after probing the evidence about the life of Jesus for two years. Delving deeper into the Word of God enlightens the soul. An in-depth study into theistic evolution morphed Alister McGrath into a theologian, Christian apologist, and intellectual historian.

We meet a well respected highly educated teacher and scholar, Gamaliel, briefly in Acts chapter 5. Christian tradition recognizes him as a “Pharisee doctor of the Jewish Law”. Apostle Paul was a student of Gamaliel before his conversion. Hence Gamaliel was a leading influential authority of the Sanhedrin (the highest Jewish court of Jerusalem). Having understood the scriptures thoroughly he made a profound statement that reformed the thinking of the enraged Jewish council. The early church was persecuted and massacred by the Jewish authorities. They tried to obliterate Christianity and the goodnews of Jesus Christ. Gamaliel gave astounding advice to the council, For if their purpose or activity is of human origin, it will fail. But if it is from God, you will not be able to stop these men; you will only find yourselves fighting against God.” (Acts 5:38b-39).  

However, Did the word transform Gamaliel into a follower of Christ? The Bible doesn’t tell us anything more about Gamaliel. Reformation is from the outside-in but transformation is from the inside-out. Church traditions believe that the great reformationist became a Christian but Josephus the Jewish historian only refers to Gamaliel in the Jewish context as an esteemed member of the Sanhedrin. His story remains an unending episode even today. 

Three lessons from the scholarly Rabbi Gamaliel:    

1.     Scholarly: Research, investigation and knowledge will be of no use unless it brings transformation in the soul. Knowledge and education will reform our etiquette but knowing Christ will transform the inner-man. We are unsure if the most appreciated, scholarly, intellectual member of the Sanhedrin had access to heaven.      

2.     Successful: Success brings riches, respect, reputation, and recognition on earth. However, if success is not exchanged with salvation, our achievements will go into the grave with us. There is no guarantee that even the most successful ministers on earth will have access to heaven. For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith (Ephesians 2:8). However, the illiterate and improvised with simple faith, covered by grace, will be celebrities in heaven.   

  1. Sanctify: Gamaliel was the most influential Rabbi in the most sacred Jewish institution and court yet, being a member of a sacred organization did not sanctify him. Humility, teachability, integrity and faithfulness is the pathway to sanctification.      

Be transformed inside-out, not just reformed outside-in.  

Acts 5:40a His speech persuaded them.

Prayer: My Lord Jesus, may I never be fooled with theologies or doctrines and miss the most precious grace that saves a sinner like me. Thank you for your saving grace. Amen.

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