03 July 2022 – Stress Management – Part 1

1 Samuel 13:12b So I felt compelled to offer the burnt offering.

‘Stress’ is our body’s reaction to pressure. When we are under the pump the nervous system instructs our bodies to release “stress hormones” such as adrenaline and cortisol.  Adrenaline increases our heart rate, elevates our blood pressure, and boosts energy. Cortisol increases sugars (glucose) in the bloodstream. Therefore, constant pressure and prolonged stress can cause diabetes and high BP.  God has designed us with the “stress response” also called the “fight-or-flight” that produces physiological changes to help us cope with threat.  If we see a car racing towards us, the stress response kicks in to avoid the approaching danger, however, living a life of chronic stress can cause irreversible physiological, psychological health detriments and spiritual depletion.

King Saul was under the gun. The enemies were closing in and he had to position his army for battle. Prophet Samuel was late. He did not come within the stipulated time and Saul’s men were scattering in fear. Samuel’s delay stressed Saul. Cortisol and adrenaline rushed to his head and pushed Saul into an impetuous decision. Saul offered burnt offerings and fellowship offerings to the Lord. It was necessary for the king to offer sacrifice to get the favour of God before he plunged into battle but only the priests could offer sacrifices. Saul was not qualified to offer sacrifice, yet he did not wait for Prophet Samuel and trespassed the ordinance of Moses. His stupor stumbled his kingdom and snatched away his inheritance. Stress pressurizes us to make silly and nonsensical choices.

Three main causes of stress:    

  1. Fear: Fear makes us flee. The army of Saul was in flight mode, and they hid in caves and thickets, among the rocks, and in pits and cisterns (vs 6). The troops with him were quaking with fear (vs 7). Fear of examinations, doctor’s test results, fear of people or a new challenge at work increases the cortisol and adrenaline resulting in high blood pressure causing brain changes such as anxiety, depression and/or addiction. Pray a simple prayer “Jesus help”. Short prayers seeking help alleviates the pressure and releases stress. 
  1. Frenzy: Fury, rage and anger is another response to stress. Stressing about what you cannot change is futile and stressing about what you can change is silly. If you can change it, then change it. If a habit, a friendship, or a behaviour is stressful, change it. If the issue cannot be altered or changed, stress is not going to alter the situation a bit. Remember, nothing can touch you before it first passes through the hand of God. Don’t be angry with God, with people or yourself. God will never permit anything that you cannot handle. So, just rest.
  1. Furrow (scar/dent):  Once bitten twice shy. When we are hurt by a circumstance, the stress hormones will make us apprehensive. If we are badly betrayed by a friend, stress will stop us from making new friends. It will make us uneasy around new people. Learn from the dented past but don’t live in the past.    

Stress and immense pressure incapacitate thinking. Pray short prayers “Jesus Help” and ease stress.   

1 Samuel 13:13 “You have done a foolish thing,” Samuel said.

Prayer: Heavenly Father, may stress never clog and fog my brain. Teach me to manage stress by resting on you. Amen.

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