02 August 2022 – How Great is Our God – Part 3

Philippians 2:9 Therefore God exalted him to the highest place and gave him the name that is above every name.

Cognitive intelligence cannot unpack or decrypt the greatness, the omnipotence, and the supreme power of God. No human language, dialect or expression can fully expound the greatness of God. Jesus stooped down from heaven to put on the earthen human suit to become one of us. Jesus lowered Himself, took an unimaginable demotion to be born as a vulnerable baby. The Creator had to become the creation to redeem humanity. Since the children have flesh and blood, He too shared in their humanity so that by His death He might break the power of him who holds the power of death—that is, the devil (Hebrews 2:14). If we zoom out into the expanse of the universe, it will help us to grasp the extent to which Jesus had to lower Himself to redeem us.

James Webb’s telescopic camera that can look deep into space has confirmed that the Milky Way is only one of the billions of galaxies in the universe. The size of the earth that we live in is only the size of a grain of salt (0.004 inches) to the diameter of the Milky Way! So, if the earth is only a spec, then the most spacious palatial palace on the earth cannot even be traced in the google map of The Universe. We are only a microscopic minuscule on the earth which is only a grain of salt in the cosmos! There is no mathematical formula to compare, measure or define the smallness of humanity to the greatness of God. Jesus degrading Himself to become human is only an extravagance of the grace and mercy of God.  Hence the name of Jesus is higher than all other names not only on the earth, the Milky-Way and the newly found billions of galaxies but also in the other clusters yet to be discovered.

How Great Is Our God!

  1. Exalt:The sheer size of His power and authority should engulf us with a reverential fear of God. David was unaware of the astronomical discoveries, yet he worshiped the Lord who was seated above the heavens and the galaxies. Be exalted, O God, above the heavens; let your glory be over all the earth (Psalm 57:2). It is not the telescope that made him see above reality into sovereignty but the Spirit of the Living God. Exaltation does not come by knowledge but by revelation. Worship is the automatic response when we meditate on the greatness of God.
  1. Exhort:The zoom out version of the Creator should exhort us to tremble at His Word. To the Almighty creator, if the earth is only a speck and we are a fragment of a speck, then our problems are only a mite! But exhort one another daily (Hebrews 3:13). Encourage yourself and exhort each other.
  1. Enthrall:The telescopic view of the heavens in comparison with the earth will enthrall us with awe and reverential fear. Make the captivating greatness of God the fulcrum of your prayer and worship. 

We worship the great, big, wonderful God!

Psalm 147:5 Great is our Lord, and abundant in power.

Prayer: Omnipotent God of the galaxies, I fall prostrate before you in awe of your greatness, power and might (selah).

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