05 August 2022 – How Great is Our God- Part 6

Psalm 34:3 O magnify the Lord with me, and let us exalt his name together.

Gazing at the twinkling stars in the night sky gets brighter and clearer when we look through a telescope. Through a small telescope with low magnification, we will be able to enjoy the constellation of the starry sky and much of the lunar disc. Using a more sophisticated telescope with higher magnification we will be able to capture a closer view with defined features of the craters, crevasses, mountains, and curves. The James Webb telescope is currently the most advanced, highly sensitive and powerful space telescope ever built.The advanced magnification of the Webb telescope has tremendously improved the clarity and details of the astronomical images.

The same concept applies to our spiritual eyes which are the telescope of the inner man. As we magnify the Lord in our heart, our image, impression, and insight into the infallible greatness of the invisible God, will enlarge. God doesn’t get any bigger by the day, it is our understanding of Him that improves as we magnify Him. When we look through a telescope we would get sucked into the impeccable beauty of the stars, planets, nebula, and galaxies. Likewise, when we look into the splendor, power and majesty of God, we will realize our insignificance and His awesomeness. David did not have even a monocular (min-ibinocular) to look into the beauty of God’s creation but He magnified God as his spiritual eyes were opened.(Psalms 104:1b).

Magnifying the Lord is looking through the telescope of our spiritual heart into the enormity, magnificence, and brilliance of our God.

  1. Bigness: As the James Webb telescope has enlarged our vision of the universe, the quality of our relationship, perception and expectation of God will improve as we look closer and deeper into His Word. God cannot be contained in an idol, portrait or even in a palatial pinnacle. If heaven, and the heavens of heavens cannot contain him(2 Chronicles 2:6). Church steeples are only places for us to congregate and worship together. It is not the dwelling place of our God. Even the vastness of the heavens of heavens cannot contain Him. He is a great BIG God.
  1. Benevolence:The great God who cannot be contained by the celestial constellation chose to make our heart (which is about 12cm length and 6 cm wide)His dwelling place. The God who holds the universe in the palm of His hands does not force Himself into our hearts. Behold, I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, then I will come into him (Revelation 3:20). He is magnificent beyond comprehension, yet benevolent and compassionate.
  1. Brightness: If looking into the sun with naked eye without protection can cause blindness, how much more brighter would the God who created the sun and the stars be? The brightness of His presence will drown darkness, disease, and depression. Our God is brilliantly bright and glorious.

The magnification of the telescope of our heart will determine the size and greatness of our God.

Psalm 147:5 Great is our Lord and mighty in power; his understanding has no limit.

Prayer:Magnificent Father, may the grandeur of your greatness grip my heart and change my worship and my perspective about you forever.Amen.

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