11 August 2022 – The Thief – Part 5

1 Samuel 30:3 When David and his men reached Ziklag, they found it destroyed by fire and their wives and sons and daughters taken captive.

The thief is guilefully watching over our families and our children waiting to distract and destroy. A home that is not secured with prayer could be attacked by sly intruders. Amalekites were an ancient nomadic tribe/(a group of tribes) that relentlessly followed Israel from the time they left Egypt to hurt, loot and annihilate. Before David was anointed as King of Israel he temporarily took refuge in a place called Ziglag which was the territory of the Philistines. Philistines gathered to fight against Israel and David and his mighty men in good faith decided to join them but the commanders of Philistia turned them down and sent David and his fighting men back. David and his men were away from their families for three days to fight a battle that was not theirs. While the men were away, the Amalekites raided Ziklag and took their wives and children captive.

Praying parents are like warriors in the spiritual realm. They are strapped with shields, scabbard and sword against the diabolical forces. The demons are terrified when mothers and fathers are on their knees. However, many times, ‘satan blinds hearts by filling eyes with worthless things. His veil over human hearts today is a veil of pixels, and the chains of his spiritual bondage are tethered to the world’s theater’ – Tony Reinke. Before the demons enter our homes to ravage our peace and steal our inheritance, they distract us with worthless entanglements.

Those who don’t have biological praying parents should be part of a spiritual family of spiritual fathers, mothers, sisters and brothers who can bolster their faith and boost their confidence. The environment will determine our productivity and agility. If we are enmesh in fruitless engagements we will be diverted to pixels and will miss the bigger picture. The devil distracts to invade our families and steal our children when we are veiled by vanity. Security-proof your home with family prayer.

Beware of worthless distractions:

1.     Worthless: David got into a battle that was not his when the enemy trotted his territory and raided his home. Take no part in the worthless deeds (Ephesians 5:11). Anything that doesn’t add spiritual character or colour can be categorized as worthless deeds. Worthless engagement will damage our boundaries and expose us to danger.

2.     Senseless: Senseless decisions can have costly consequences. David’s senseless move initiated another expedition to recover his family. His absurd decision turned his own men against him. David was greatly distressed because the men were talking of stoning him (1 Samuel 30:6). Senseless decisions will turn friends into foes.

3.     Ruthless: The enemy is ruthless and rapacious but our God is indomitable. God can turn our worst mistake into a victory when we refocus on Him. David found strength in the Lord his God (1 Samuel 30:6b), and pursued the barbaric Amalekites and recovered all that he lost.    

The enemy is after our family, children and our posterity but if God be for us who can stand against us. 

1 Samuel 30:18a David recovered everything the Amalekites had taken.

Prayer: Jesus My Unconquerable King, may I always be vigilant to secure the borders of my family against the vicarious enemy. Amen.

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