23.08.2022 – Praise-Breaks – Part 3

Hebrews 13:15 Through Jesus, therefore, let us continually offer to God a sacrifice of praise—the fruit of lips that openly profess his name.

Praise is a thanksgiving offering. In the Mosaic Law, an offering was an act of thankfulness to God. The Old Testament is very pragmatic about what must be offered and how it must be offered.  Each one must give according to his financial ability from his own belonging. The sacrifice must not be borrowed and it must be without blemish. There were different types of offerings but the offering that was a sweet smelling aroma was the ‘peace offering or fellowship offering’, which was a voluntary offering from a thankful heart. Praise is like a fellowship offering, offered voluntarily from a pure and grateful heart.

“Jesus is moved to happiness every time He sees that you appreciate what He has done for you.”— Ole Hallesby.      

Fellowship offerings were not to appease God or please Him so he would not be angry or upset. Fellowship offering was a voluntary willing sacrifice to recount and worship God for His grace and greatness. Blood offerings ended at the cross when Jesus became the sin offering for the sins of the world. Hence, God doesn’t need our goats, gold or grains. The Old Testament regulations were only a shadow or a visual and practical discipline of the code of worship.  When we gather to praise or kneel down to worship in our own prayer closet, a meek and contrite heart can attract grace and mercy down from heaven. Praise is nothing but a sincere, willing and voluntary offering that delights the heart of God. Take praise-breaks every hour, for 2 minutes, offer a fellowship offering of gratitude, and move the heart of God.

‘Praise’ is an offering:

1.     Generosity‘Wise people know that all their money belongs to God.’— John Piper. God does not need our money. He owns everything! The wealth of the nations and the galaxies are His.  Giving, tithing and generosity are God’s ways to nurture ‘praise’ which is the fruit of our lips.              

2.     Giftedness‘Mere talents do not give glory to God but a humble heart.’— Mac Canoza. Praise is an act of surrender and submission. A sincere sacrifice is measured by our willingness to let go of our ambitions and submit our gifts/talents to God’s plan. “In view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God—this is your true and proper worship.” (Romans 12:1). Selfless serving is a fellowship offering of praise.

3.     Godliness“Our praise builds up equity in Heaven.”― Pastor Rod W. Larkins. Praise is like an aroma from incense that goes up to heaven and deposits into our divine bank account. The longer our time of praise and worship the more loaded our divine account would be. Grateful heart and godly lifestyles are like sweet smelling incense of praise.

Our humble praise and sincere worship is incense to the Lord.

2 Corinthians 2:15a For we are like a sweet-smelling incense offered by Christ to God.

Prayer: Incredible Father, I can never stop thanking you for your goodness. Let praise never leave my lips and may it be like a sweet smelling sacrifice before you 24/7. Amen

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