24 August 2022 – Praise-Breaks – Part 4

Numbers 16:46 Then Moses said to Aaron, “Take your censer and put incense in it, along with burning coals from the altar, and hurry to the assembly to make atonement for them.

Praise is an antidote.  Praise alleviates the pain and pressure by converting our energy into power. Pondering over the problem will discourage and drain our faith but praise promotes it to a higher level. Waking up with praise in our lips is a conscious decision. The first few moments as soon as we open our eyes are very important as it sets the pace of our day. Whatever is heavy on our mind is the first thing we will remember as soon as we wake up. Many lose their sleep or wake up in the middle of the night threatened by their problems. Science explains why we wake up in the early hours of the morning with our mind flooded with negative or fearful thoughts about our problems. Psychologists say that the neurobiological changes take place around 3 or 4 am and the body temperature increases. Since the body is already a bit rested, levels of Cortisol (stress hormone) increases and prepares the body to launch into the day. Overcome panic-attacks with praise. Praise is the antidote to anxiety.

The only antidote to complaining is to make a conscious effort to thank and praise God. – Ptr. Joey Crisostomo.      

The Israelites who were delivered from Egypt constantly nagged Moses and notoriously grumbled against the Lord. In Numbers 16, the whole Israelite community grumbled against Moses and Aaron (Vs 41). Yet again, they tested the implausible patience of God that a plague broke out in the camp.  Moses immediately commanded Aaron to put fire in the sweet-smelling fragrant spices in a censor and run throughout the camp to quench the smell of dread and death. The incense being the symbol of praise in the Old Testament was used to mitigate judgment. As the incense ascended, mercy descended. Likewise, praise overturns the tables of trouble into triumph. Praise heals disease, extinguishes dread and snuffs-out deride.  

Praise is an antidote:

1.     Death: Praise rewrites the trajectory of our life. The plague had already started among the people, but Aaron offered the incense and made atonement for them. (Numbers 16:47b). Curses can be reversed and sins can be atoned by repentance and praise. Praise drives out the stink of death.

2.     Dread: Praise turns dread into destiny. When we start praising, the problem becomes smaller and smaller as God becomes bigger and bigger. Praise destroys dread.

3.     Disease: Praise brings health and healing. I will not die but live, and will proclaim what the Lord has done (Psalm 118:17). Praise invigorates our inner man and heals us from inside out. So, even before we witness the healing, we must start praising. If we praise after the healing, we are only ‘thanking’ God, but if we praise Him before we are healed, we ‘proclaiming’ His omnipotence. Praise heals

Praise is the medication and the prescription is the Bible to enjoy divine healing from dread and disease.

Psalm 118:29 Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good; his love endures forever.

Prayer: Glorious Father, power, wisdom and healing flows from your throne. As I gaze into your holiness, I can do nothing but praise your magnificent name. Amen.

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