25 August 2022 – Praise-Breaks – Part 5

Psalm 62:8 Trust in Him at all times, O people; Pour out your heart before Him; God is a refuge for us. Selah.

Praise is like a stream of water to the soul. Composition of a water molecule is referred to as H2O as there are two atoms of hydrogen and one atom of oxygen. Likewise, the time for praise must be twice as much as the time spent in petitioning and prayer. H1+O1 do not equal water; only when two molecules of hydrogen and one molecule of oxygen turn into a water molecule. Research has confirmed that hydrogen gas in regular water increases anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties that boosts energy and improves muscle recovery.  

As H2O boosts energy level in the body, praise boosts the stamina of the soul. As hydrogen is an anti-inflammatory that relieves pain and reduces inflammation, praise treats the bruises and brokenness of the soul. Praise is the painkiller and balm of the soul. Antioxidants in hydrogen water improve mental clarity, prevent cognitive illness, reduce oxidative stress and boost focus and clarity. Even headaches can be prevented and treated by hydrating ourselves with water throughout the day. Praise is the hydrogen component in our conversation with the Lord that serves as the anti-inflammatory and antioxidant. Whenever I am afraid, I will trust in You. In God (I will praise His word), In God I have put my trust; I will not fear. What can flesh do to me? (Psalm 56:3). As hydrogen in the water is crucial to build our muscles, praise is vital to revitalize our soul. Praise builds our spiritual energy.

Praise is the water to a thirsty soul:

1.     Resistance: Praise is the anti-inflammatory of the soul. Praise heals the pain of rejection, humiliation and defamation. Praise is the pain reliever of the soul. When downtrodden, discouraged or disparaged, we must start praising. Praise when you don’t feel like praising. Our feelings will catch up when we drink the water of praise. The discouraged soul is like the dehydrated and discombobulated brain. A drink of praise will revive resistance against the pejorative plans of the devil.    

2.     Resilience: Praise is the antioxidant that builds resistance to our soul. Antioxidants can significantly improve the immunity of our body. Likewise, the more we praise and meditate on the greatness, awesomeness, powerfulness, magnificence, splendor of our God, we will build spiritual immunity and resilience to defeat the tricks of the devil.   

3.     Response: Praise should be our only response when we are battered by trials and tests. I will praise the Lord no matter what happens. I will constantly speak of his glories and grace. I will boast of all his kindness to me (Psalm 32:1) (TLB). We can praise the Lord only if we fully trust that our Master Builder will put all the broken pieces of our life and build a masterpiece. Praise is the response that will puzzle the demonic realm.    

Praise is the anti-inflammatory and antioxidant of the soul.

Psalm 42:1 As the deer pants for streams of water, so my soul pants for you, O God. My soul thirsts for God, for the living God.

Prayer: Magnificent Father, may ‘praise’ be the anti-inflammatory antidote that heals and the antioxidant that nourishes my soul. May praise be my only response at all times. Amen.

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