26 August 2022 – Praise-Breaks – Part 6

Acts 2:46-47 They broke bread in their homes and ate together with glad and sincere hearts, praising God and enjoying the favor of all the people. And the Lord added to their number daily those who were being saved.

Praising God was the lifestyle of the early church. They worshipped, fellowshipped and praised God. “The praises of God are simply the facts about Him. If you want to praise the Lord Jesus Christ, tell people about Him.”  Praise is not using flamboyant words describing or ascribing about God. It is just talking about His goodness, greatness and graciousness. The primeval newly birthed church had get-togethers just to discuss the miracles that they enjoyed day after day. Praising God was like eating bread. Bread nourished their bodies as praise nurtured their soul. “We can always find a reason to praise. Situations change for better and for worse, but God’s worth never changes.” –  Matt Redman. The ancient church was persecuted beyond description yet, their dinner parties were filled with testimonies and praises to the Lord, their God and their Redeemer.

The attitude of praise kept the newborn believers glad. “The apostles left the high council rejoicing that God had counted them worthy to suffer disgrace for the name of Jesus.” (Acts 5:41). They rejoiced even in persecution!  Praise kept their hearts glad even when their bodies were belabored. Praise grew the church exponentially. Praise geared them to face the brutal treatment of Nero and galvanized their faith. Emperor Nero organized state-sponsored persecution and arrested Christ followers, burnt them like torches, threw them to wild beasts or sliced their heads, yet the dying Christians sang praises as they gave up their lives. Praise fostered their souls and bolstered their faith even at the point of death.

The songs of praise of Paul and Silas in the prison shook the earth and freed them from the incarceration. The attitude of praise is bread to our soul.

Feed your soul with praise:

1.     Glad: Praise makes our heart glad. Praise encourages us. Start your day with praises not whines. The early morning hour should be dedicated to praise: do not the birds set us the example? – Charles Spurgeon. The attitude of praise turns coldness into gladness.    

2.     Grow: Praise helps us grow but complaints will stunt spiritual and natural growth.  “Feed your soul with praise. When we complain about our current situation, we remain in it; when we praise God in the midst of difficulty, He raises us out of it.” – Joyce Meyer. There was an explosion of ‘Christ followers’ in the heat of mistreatment because the believers sang praises as they were dragged to the gallows. The act of praise triggers growth.   

3.     Galvanize: Praising God when we don’t understand will galvanize our faith. Praise counter attacks the fiery darts that the devil is shooting at us. As our praise rises, the enemies in the natural and the spiritual realm are defeated. The armor of praise defeats demons and will galvanize victory.     

Praise-break breaks the spine of the devil and will galvanize gladness and growth.

Psalm 16:11 You will fill me with joy in your presence, with eternal pleasures at your right hand.

Prayer: God of infallible compassion, I can praise you in the darkest valleys as your faithfulness never fails. My praise turns the dungeon into destiny. Amen.

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