29 August 2022 – Be Still – Part 2

1 Kings 19:12 After the earthquake came a fire, but the Lord was not in the fire. And after the fire came a gentle whisper.

God speaks in whispers. The definition of ‘whisper’ is to speak very softly using one’s breath rather than one’s throat, especially for the sake of secrecy. If we talk non-stop during our time of prayer with petitions and penitence God will never have a chance to tell us what is in His mind. It is in our quietness that we can hear His still small voice. God’s voice cannot be defined as deep or sonorous but most times it would be impressions in our heart. God’s impressions will lighten our burden and illuminate our mind. Demonic insinuations will rush us to make decisions but divine impressions will direct us to still waters. The couple who met Jesus on the road to Emmaus said, “Weren’t our hearts burning within us, while He spoke to us along the way, and while He opened the Scriptures to us?” (Luke 22:32).

Elijah took a very long walk to meet with the Lord. He got up and ate and drank. Strengthened by that food, he traveled forty days and forty nights until he reached Horeb, the mountain of God (1 Kings 19:8). The Lord God did not talk to Elijah in the core of his cacophony. Elijah had to be calmed down in the cave of Horeb before the Lord could speak to him. God was not in the earthquake or the fire. Miracles magnify the magnificence, splendor and authority of God. But, God’s whispers can be heard only in the quietness of our prayer closet.

Conflating thoughts, distractions, arguments and questions must be quietened before His crystal clear voice can be heard.

‘Be still’ to hear God:

1.     Wonders: We can see the glory/majesty of the Lord in the wonders and miracles. Being in the eye of an earthquake is one of the most frightening experiences one could ever have. This is why earthquakes, volcanic eruptions and tsunamis are called “Acts of God”.  We will only marvel at the wonders but cannot hear God. Elijah witnessed an earthquake on the mountain top yet, he did not hear God. Wonders display the power of God.

2.     Works: We can see the authority of God in the works and creations. Elijah saw fire but God was not in the fire. Fire exhibited the power of God. Fire is the metaphor that is used for the anointing of God. Fire has a characteristic of burning so does the anointing. Anointing burns yokes, bondages and shackles. However, we cannot hear God through the works of God.  

3.     Whispers: God whispers. He speaks to us in the quietness of our soul. Elijah was a prophet who had an ear to hear God crystal clear. He immediately recognized God’s voice in the “gentle whisper”.  Find a quiet place and time to be alone with God to hear His whispers.       

We live only by the life giving Words of our divine Saviour. Be still.

John 6:68 “Lord, to whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life.”

Prayer: Papa God, I will rest on your bosom to hear your heartbeat and listen to your gentle whispers of instructions and directions. Amen.

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