01 September 2022 – Be Still – Part 5

Psalm 4:4 When you are on your beds, search your hearts and be silent.

Did you know that our brains are learning while we are sleeping? Neuroscientists have confirmed that the brain practices newly learnt information by replaying and allowing memory to consolidate. The short term memory is converted to long term memory while we are sleeping. Our brain never stops working even when we are sleeping. Research also confirms that during sleep, the brain is busy doing housekeeping chores that remove toxins in our brain that accumulate while we are awake. This is why our perception on an issue, an argument or an annoying circumstance changes after a good rest.

Before the neuroscience research papers were published, the Bible confirmed the scientific findings. The meditation in our bed during our night sleep is crucial to reassess and realign our ways with God. What is the last thing you think about before you fall asleep? If we ruminate on work stress, health issues or harsh words that were spoken against us, our brain will not flush out the toxin. Going to bed in anger and waking up with rage will convert the short term memory of a rejection, rash conversation or repudiation into ‘bitterness’.  The simple tool to calm ourselves from the stress and struggle is to read God’s Word before we go to bed. Read a Psalm or a chapter of Proverbs before you go to bed. There are 31 Proverbs for 31 days in a month. God’s Word is like pouring water on intense fire. If we ignore the fire we will wake up with burns.

 ‘Be still’ in your bed:

1.     Buffet: The brain can suffer its greatest harm by replaying and revisiting a painful incident. In the process the brain is buffeted and baffled with agony, leaving marks of insecurity, low self-esteem and cynicism. Take a promise and repeat it until you go to sleep. You will wake up with fresh faith and renewed hope the next morning. Be still, don’t buffett your mind with toxins and poison but repeat the Word of God.

2.     Billow: The brain that rehearses the agonizing betrayal and brutal treatment will be billowed with frustration and irritation. Science has now proven that negative emotional memories are harder to reverse after a night’s sleep. Be angry and do not sin, and do not let the sun set on your anger (Ephesians 4:26). Replace negative thoughts with positive affirmations as you go to bed.

3.     Boost: To boost brain function, we are suggested to be mentally active, exercise, eat healthy and get plenty of sleep. We must train ourselves to stop rushing, stressing and worrying. “Look to the Lord and his strength; seek his face always.” (1 Chronicles 16:11). Our mind can be stilled if we refocus on the greatness of God and stop meditating on our problems. Boost your brain function by resting.

Rest, don’t race. Ruminate on the promises not the probabilities.   

Psalm 34:5 Those who look to him are radiant; their faces are never covered with shame.

Prayer: Dear Jesus, just gazing into your goodness and greatness brings tranquility into my troubling soul. I will meditate on your promises and your awesome power and not stress on facts or figures. Amen.

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