25 September 2022 – The Power of the Blood – Part 1

Hebrews 9:12 He did not enter by means of the blood of goats and calves; but he entered the Most Holy Place once for all by his own blood, thus obtaining eternal redemption.

Once we understand the power of the blood of Jesus, we will not be afraid of demons, rather demons will be terrorized by us. The climax of the cross and the crucifixion was not on earth but in heaven when Jesus presented His blood as a ransom for the redemption of humanity. Golgotha was the table on which the holy blood of Jesus was shed to make a “blood covenant” for our deliverance. The blood covenant was sealed and completed when Jesus presented His blood in the heavenly altar as atonement for our sins. Atonement simply means ‘compensation’ or ‘full and final settlement’.

Accepting Jesus as our Lord and Saviour brings us into the blood covenant with Him. Hence when we apply the blood on our forehead or over our families and finances, we reiterate the blood covenant that we are sealed under. Blood covenants were a very common practice among the ancient tribes. In the tribal communities, blood covenants were made by cutting the wrist of both parties and mixing the blood as a sign of the covenant. Once this is done they would be declared as blood brothers. They pledge to defend, fight and even give their lives for each other. Once they enter into a blood covenant, there is no way out.  Only death can put an end to the blood covenant. Likewise, we become blood brothers with Christ Jesus through the cross. This is why when we draw a bloodline around our children, marriage, ministry and money no demon can cross the bloodline. If they try to meddle with our lives, the demons would be rampaged by the divine intervention of combat angels. Applying the blood is not applying a liquid but the supreme spiritual authority and protection through Jesus Christ.

The benefits of the Blood Covenant:

1.     Boldness: We don’t have to hide, plead or cover but can go boldly to God as we are blood brothers under the blood covenant. We are not pitiful sinners and outcasts but the bloodline of Jesus. Our boldness will petrify the demons. The blood covenant gives us boldness in our prayers.

2.     Body Guards: The blood covenant automatically encircles us with divine protection. Angelic force would masticate any demonic forces that would try to attack us or our possessions. The body guards of Prophet Elisha outnumbered the enemy forces that came against him (2 Kings 6:17-20). The blood covenant bolsters us with angelic body guards.

3.     Barrage: The blood covenant gives us authority and power over any demeaning, dominating demonic force. We barrage the attacking evil forces with the blood. All of hell’s forces would be paralyzed when we bring out our most powerful weapon, ‘the blood of Jesus’.

You are under the blood covenant, completely protected and sealed.

Exodus 12:13 The blood shall be a sign for you, on the houses where you are.

Prayer: Dear Jesus, open my spiritual eyes to the authority I have to bombard the evil forces with the blood. Thank you for the protection and power under the blood. Amen                                                                                                         

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