27 September 2022 – The Power of the Blood – Part 3

Revelation 12:11 They triumphed over him (satan) by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony.

“The Blood” is a legal terminology and vocabulary that is understood by the spiritual realm. The demons in hell understand the divine language even better than the saints on earth. The application of the holy blood of Jesus must precede the word of the testimony to win over satan and his entourage. The winning formula to sabotage the plans of the devil is the ‘application of the blood’ before proclaiming the promises of God. The blood of Jesus sprinkled over us clothes us with the righteousness of Jesus and detoxes our mind, soul and senses. The blood positions us for victory over the vile of the devil.

In the Mosaic pattern of atonement for sins (or spiritual detoxing of the soul), the oil was applied over the blood, meaning, the oil (which is anointing of the Holy Spirit) had to be preceded by the blood (which is the forgiveness of sins). There was no fullness of God’s presence or anointing without the sprinkling of blood. The priest is to put some of the oil remaining in his palm on the lobe of the right ear of the one to be cleansed, on the thumb of their right hand and on the big toe of their right foot, on top of the blood of the guilt offering (Leviticus 14:17). Under the New Testament, metaphorically applying the blood over our ear lobes, hands and feet cleanses our sensory organs from sinful desires. Hence spiritual detoxing paves the way to spiritual sturdiness.

In the natural detoxing reduces inflammation, purifies the blood, helps to shred excess weight, improves sleep and boosts circulation. Likewise, spiritually, the blood of Jesus becomes a spiritual detoxing agent of the soul. One drop of blood of Jesus is more powerful than all the powers of hell  

The Blood – ‘the spiritual detoxing agent’:

1.     Inflammation: When we apply the blood over our doubts, deliberations and disbeliefs it removes the demonic dread from our mind and gives us clarity in our thinking. The blood will remove pride and trim our soul back to shape. It will flush out the infestation of envy, comparison and greed from our blood stream and purify it. The blood will heal the soreness of coldness, bitterness and rejection.  The blood heals the spiritual inflammations of the soul.

2.     Inhibition: Applying the power of the blood over our doubts, bouts and evil forebodings will stub out anxiety and improve our spiritual wellbeing. Heal from mood swings, depressing thoughts and anxiety by applying the blood. The blood heals us from fearful inhibitions.

3.     Intimidation: Repeating ‘the blood of Jesus’, several times will remove the threatening demonic voices about bad diagnosis, redundancy, unforeseen family issues or financial loss. Apply and reapply the blood of Jesus then reiterate the promises of God to bolster your soul.  

The blood of Jesus is the spiritual detoxing agent against spiritual inflammation, evil inhibition and demonic intimidation.

Hebrews 9:28b So Christ was sacrificed once to take away the sins of many.

Prayer: Jesus my Redeemer, through your blood I have victory over the infections and inflammations of my soul. My testimonies and declarations of your power over every situation become authoritative when I apply the oil over the blood. Amen                                                                 

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