28 September 2022 – The Power of the Blood -Part 4

Home / Biblical Meditations / 28 September 2022 – The Power of the Blood -Part 4

Isaiah 53:5 “But He was wounded for our transgressions, He was bruised for our iniquities; The chastisement for our peace was upon Him, And by His stripes, we are healed.”

“The Blood of Jesus” is the antidote for all diseases. Even the most malignant, infectious, virulent disease can be healed when the fountain of the blood of Jesus is infused into our bloodstream. Have you wondered how and why the precious pure blood of Jesus becomes the universal antidote to all illness? Science gives us the answer to the above scripture.

Dr. William Harvey said: “Blood is the cause not only of life in general but also of longer or shorter life, of sleep and watching, of genius, aptitude, and strength. It is the first to live and the last to die”

The first site of blood formation is the yolk sac of a human embryo.  An average human body can hold up to 1.5 gallons or 6.8 liters of blood. When Jesus hung on the cross, His blood was infected with every lethal and deadly disease we have diagnosed and yet to discover.  Jesus died of blood loss, bruised body and a broken spirit. Yet, after three days, the same battered body and internal organs that were damaged beyond repair came back to life. He lives! There was a fresh fountain of blood that sprung up and inundated His circulatory system. The blood that was shed on the cross was full of deadly poison and disease of the world but He rose up again with new fresh life-giving blood. Every time we proclaim ‘the blood of Jesus’, there is a fountain of His life-giving blood that is pumped into our cardiovascular system. This life giving resurrected blood of Jesus heals fatal disease and depression. One drop of blood of Jesus is more powerful than the most deadly disease  

The Blood of Jesus is ‘the universal antidote’:

1.     Incurable: Sepsis is a very serious life threatening blood infection where the body’s immune system gets out of control and the organs of the body shut down and stop fighting. Any infection including viral infection such as COVID-19 can cause sepsis. The blood of Jesus is the antibiotics for any incurable disease. Jesus nailed COVID-19, coronary infections and cardiac disease on the cross and won over it 2,000 year ago.   

2.     Irreversible: Some vital organs such as kidneys, lungs or heart cannot be repaired. The irreversibly damaged organs can only be transplanted. Almost all the internal organs of the body of Jesus were utterly damaged but the power of the Holy Spirit healed and resurrected the butchered body of Jesus. Hence there is no condition that remains irreversible by the resurrected fountain of the blood of Jesus.  

3.     Infectious: The antidote to every infection of the soul and the body is in the blood of Jesus. Speak and spring up the fountain of the life-giving blood and apply it over your physical body, ailments, aches, malignant diagnosis and depressed broken spirit.  

The blood of Jesus is the source of life and the universal antidote.

Romans 8:11 The Spirit of God, who raised Jesus from the dead, lives in you.

Prayer: Jesus the Giver of Life, may your life-giving blood spring up like a healing stream throughout my body to heal, restore and reverse any medical condition or syndrome. Amen                                                                                                                                                                                        

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