03 October 2022 – ‘Made-In’ – Part 2

Psalm 78:25 Man ate the bread of angels; He sent them food in abundance.

The conventional commercial ovens of heaven baked bread for the wandering Israelite hoard for 40 long years. The travelers had no territory to cultivate their own food. As they were traversing through the dry desert which had no supermarkets or supplies their only source was heaven. Take an omer for each person you have in your tent.’ (Exodus 16:16b). For each person one omer or (about 3.64 liters) was supplied. For about 2 million wanderers, 7.28 million liters of manna rained down every day for 40 years from heaven!  The quality of the produce could not be compared to anything produced on the earth. Manna was the grocery supply from heaven. Its nutritional energy content would have far exceeded all the nutritional charts.

Figuratively we are like wanderers on the earth. For we are sojourners before thee, and strangers, as were all our fathers (1 Chronicles 29:15). Everything we have is divine providence. The house, health and heritage have rained down from heaven. God might use human hands to bless us but the supply and source comes from heaven. Our jobs and businesses are only means that provide money for our mortgage but the source is heaven.

I will not worry with Christ on my side, I shall not lack for He is my God and my Great Provider”

Elijah was fed by the mouth of ravens but the meals came from heaven. God used the scavenger bird that steals food to be the uBer-eats-delivery-birds for Elijah. God can even use our enemies to dispose favorably to us. The LORD had made the Egyptians favorably disposed toward the people, and they gave them what they asked for; so they plundered the Egyptians (Exodus 12:36). God will use the fowl and the fowler to be our supplier.

Our provision rains from heaven:

1.     Food: Jesus said, why do you worry about the bills and bank balance? I tell you not to worry about your life. Don’t worry about having something to eat, drink, or wear. Isn’t life more than food or clothing? (Matthew 6:25). If God says ‘no’ to a plea, it simply means that we don’t need it. He will never say ‘no’ to our needs.           

2.     Fowl: It is God’s methodology in His Sovereign theocracy to use our enemies to bless us. The boss who doesn’t like you will be forced to sign your promotion. The envier who secretly devised your destruction will be forced to commend you. As God used a fowl to feed Elijah, God will use the fowler to bless us.   

3.     Favour: God’s favour will bring fortune. It is not our smartness, achievements or influence but His favour that will open favorable doors of opportunities. Favour of God opens, closes and arbitrates for His children.

We don’t live under the favour of men but under the divine fortune of the God of heaven. Everything we have is labeled as “Made-in Heaven”.

Psalm 34:10 “Even strong young lions sometimes go hungry, but those who trust in the LORD will lack no good thing. ”

Prayer: Jesus my Divine Provider, I will never seek the face of man for anything I need. My favour and fortune comes from you. Amen                                                                                                                                                                                        

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