04 October 2022 – ‘Made-In’ – Part 3

Esther 2:10 Esther had not revealed her nationality and family background, because Mordecai had forbidden her to do so.

The estimated price of the most expensive violin, the Messiah Stradivarius, is about $20 million. It was crafted by the world-renowned violin maker, Antonio Stradivari in 1716. A general observation is that the more expensive the violin, the better it sounds. The main areas that influence the cost, quality and performance of the instrument are the craftsmanship, materials, and sound. Hence the difference in the quality of an instrument can be quite obvious even to a beginner.

The worth and value of a blood washed redeemed child is hidden in their craftsmanship. We are valuable as we have been hand crafted by the Lord, the God of all the earth. Faith and the blood of Jesus make us precious and prominent. Queen Esther and her uncle Mordecai were masking under pagan names to hide their Jewish heritage. Esther is a Persian name that means ‘star’ and Mordecai is the name of a Babylonian deity “Marduk”. Mordecai had changed his name and his niece’s name to blend into the Persian pagan society. They were God’s covenantal special and treasured possessions.   Now if you will obey me and keep my covenant, you will be my own special treasure from among all the peoples on earth (Exodus 19:5). However, captivity and compromise had lowered their standards and made them rename themselves as heathen Babylonian deities!

Yet the shrouded Queen and her uncle could not remain under their facade for long. When they took their stand as the children of the most High God, the Lord God intervened and fought their battle. Similarly, royalty is hidden in you and me. We belong to Christ and when we peel the veneer and reveal our true identity audaciously, God’s power will flow through us.   

We are divinely crafted handiwork of God:

1.     Price: The value of Queen Esther was not in the palatial palace, the luxuriant gown or the Persian crown but in the pedigree of her kingly and priestly heritage. All violins might look alike but not all violins are priced the same. You and I are of royal heritage with a glorious purpose on the earth. We are His prized possessions.

2.     Performance: The performance of high-end violins will outweigh the cheap ones. Though Mordecai had disguised his identity as a Chaldean/Babylonian, his integrity stood out. Mordecai was honoured for his honesty by the King of Persia. He (Haman) robed Mordecai, and led him on horseback through the city streets, proclaiming before him, “This is what is done for the man the king delights to honor!” (Esther 6:11). Royalty will reverberate in the quality of our performance.     

3.     Purpose: God was able to use Queen Esther only when she boldly revealed her identity as a Jew. Our divine purpose will be fulfilled only when we understand, embrace and confess that we are God’s workmanship. Our unique design has a noble purpose.

We are God’s handicraft and royalty runs in our blood.

Ephesians 2:10 For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them.

Prayer: Father God, may I always live under the revelation of my royalty in Christ Jesus. Give me the grace to truly accentuate you in my life. Amen                                                                                                 

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