08 October 2022 – ‘Made-In’ – Part 7

Jeremiah 18:3 But the pot he was shaping from the clay was marred in his hands; so the potter formed it into another pot, shaping it as seemed best to him.

The eco-friendly plastic recycling machines are becoming very popular as the plastic that was dumped in landfill as waste is now being recycled. The process of recycling would be washing, breaking, grinding, melting and remolding. After the plastic waste has gone through the process it is remade into useful packaging products.

The Lord God took Prophet Jeremiah into the house of a potter to teach him an ‘objective lesson’. The potter was working on a piece of clay but it did not shape into the vessel that he intended hence he reshaped it into another pot that seemed best to him. This figurative example is true in all our lives. We are all like clay on the wheel and many times our own disobedience, defiance and dissension ruins the end product that God wants to make. Hence we would have to go back on the potter’s wheel to be reshaped. If we wonder why we go through the same problems over and over again, God our Maker and our Potter is trying to reshape us into the vessel of honour. He would reform and redesign us until we are fit to receive and hold the blessings, gifts and anointing that He wants to pour into our vessel. When we cooperate in the hands of the Divine Designer we will become vessels of honour and be labeled as “made-in heaven” and “handcrafted by Jesus”.   

The process is to remodel us into vessels of honour:

1.     Refashion: In the process of remodeling us God will reshape and refashion all the unpleasant and unwanted occurrences of our life. God can refashion our horrendous experiences, horrifying incidents or even hospitalization for His glory. God refashions us to rebrand us as His own.        

2.     Reprocess: Nothing goes to waste in God’s hands. The process that we go through in the hands of our Saviour is far better than the plastic recycling machine. God will use the ugly abuse, agonizing rejection and even the ghastly diagnosis to reprocess our reactions and emotions. He will reprocess tears, tumult and treachery and turn it into reusable products that could bless others. The Lord is using the years of abuse that Joyce Meyer went through to build broken hearts all over the world. God’s hands can reprocess the most redundant and repulsive episodes into rebuilding tools.    

3.     Recycle: Give the hidden hurts, heartaches, harm, insults and unanswered questions into the hands of Jesus. Our heart is not designed to hoard waste. God’s hands become the recycling machine. When we put the waste into His hands and receive back the renovated utensils and apparatus that can be used to build our self-esteem and the self-worth of others. God’s hand recycles our wrongs and rebrands us as His own.   

Be refashioned, reprocessed and rebranded by the Divine Designer.

2 Timothy 2:21 Therefore if anyone cleanses himself from the latter, he will be a vessel for honor, sanctified and useful for the Master, prepared for every good work.

Prayer: Dearest Lord Jesus, I surrender everything that is hidden in my heart into your recycling mighty hands. Turn my pain into power to build your kingdom. Amen 

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