09 October 2022 – ‘Spiritual Discipline’ – Part 1

1 Corinthians 9:25 Everyone who competes in the games goes into strict training. They do it to get a crown that will not last, but we do it to get a crown that will last forever.

Currently Fred Kerley is the world’s fastest man after his victory in the 2022 World Athletics Championships. Kerley claimed the title by finishing 100 meters at 9.86 seconds, just 0.02 seconds ahead of the silver and bronze. Kerley in his interview after the great win said, “I put the work in to be great. I don’t come to run to be second best.” Sprinters go through high intensive sprinting sessions. Training with proper mechanics, right sprint techniques using shorter strides, breathing well and practicing cardio will develop a trainer into a sprinter. Kerley gave his best to win a crown that is perishable but we run a race to receive the eternal crown.

Spiritual discipline is like intensive sports training sessions. Spiritual disciple shapes our inner-man. Our spiritual fitness would depend on our regular spiritual routine. No athlete would just run on the day of the event; they would train regularly before the championship. If we don’t have a regular prayer routine, when an urgent need arises we will become flail and fearful. If we read a verse a day only to get through the troubles and challenges we will not hear from God. Our prayer life and walk with God must be regular, methodical and disciplined.   

Discipline your spirit-man:

1.     Warm-up: No athlete would start training without warm-up. It is possible to hurt our muscles and tissue if we run without warming-up.  Warming up gradually increases the heart rate and breathing. Spiritual warm-up is the time we spend in praise. We must take time to meditate and munch over the goodness of God. Recollecting the goodness of God and the miracles we have enjoyed will increase our reverence and love for Him. His praise shall continually be in my mouth (Psalm 34:1b). Let praise never leave your lips so you can plunge into intense prayer anytime anywhere.   

2.     Work-out: All athletes have a work-out plan. A work-out plan formulates a program to achieve a certain goal. We also need a spiritual work-out plan. A plan for a time of prayer, a preset mindset to say no to temptations, tenacity to resist being part of the crowd would develop spiritual standards and discipline. Without a spiritual work-out plan our spiritual muscles will never develop.  

3.     Worship: Worship is the integral part of our spiritual discipline. Worship is an expression of reverence and adoration to God our creator. This doesn’t stop in our prayer closet or in a church service. The incense of worship must fill our soul with fragrance 24/7. It is the reverential fear of God that keeps our five senses disciplined. We will be more God conscious than people conscious if the fragrance of worship is bubbling in our soul. Our tongue and thoughts will be disciplined if we are always in a mode of worship.      

Spiritual discipline trains our spirit-man to be sturdy and strong.

1 Corinthians 9:26 Therefore I do not run like someone running aimlessly; I do not fight like a boxer beating the air.

Prayer: Holy Spirit, be my spiritual trainer and teach me to discipline my mind, emotions and actions. Help my spiritual muscles to develop to win the race. Amen                                                                                                   

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