14 October 2022 – ‘Spiritual Discipline’ – Part 6

Numbers 12:3 (Now the man Moses was very meek, above all the men which were upon the face of the earth.)

Moses was not born meek. He was a short-tempered and brash young man. He killed a man in rage before he fled into the wilderness but pastoring a complaining congregation of 2 million Hebrew slaves mellowed the hot-tempered jerk into a humble man of God. The Lord God Himself witnessed that Moses was the most humble man on the face of the earth! We might appear to be humble but God’s evaluation of humility is very different to human judgments. After four decades of mentoring and mellowing down Moses, (the ‘brash buster’), God called him – ‘Meek Moses’.

The character of Moses morphed to reflect patience, godliness and meekness as He marinated in the presence of God. When Moses got down from the prayer mountain, the people of Israel would see the radiant glow of his face. So he would put the veil over his face until he returned to speak with the LORD (Exodus 34:34). Soaking in the presence of God makes us meek like Jesus.  The same Moses who killed an Egyptian who was bullying a Hebrew remained silent to the slander that was being spread by his sister Miriam and his brother Aaron. He did not react on FB with counter attacks. He did not call a committee meeting to condemn the accusers. We don’t see Moses even praying or whining to the Lord about the slanderers. The humble are not judgmental, quick to talk, touchy or easily irritated. The predominant sign of humility is our confidence in the Lord and the calmness in our soul.

“Humility is not thinking less of yourself, it’s thinking of yourself less.” – C S Lewis

The humble never brag about themselves. Poor listeners are prideful. Those who can never stop talking about their achievements, aspirations or anxiety, have put their confidence in themselves and not in the Lord. Self-righteousness and self-importance can never hide itself.

Humility is a spiritual discipline:

1.     Appreciative: The humble are quick to applaud and appreciate others. If we are unable to enjoy the accomplishments of our neighbour, there is still pride hiding in our hearts. The humble never compare themselves with others as they are confident that God has the best in store for them. Each one is given grace to run their own race.  The humble are appreciative.

2.     Admit: The humble are quick to admit when they are wrong. If we can see the spec in our eyes before smearing about the log in our neighbour’s eyes, we qualify! However, in any problem if we see the other person as the only trouble-maker then, there is conceit concealed in us. The humble are quick to admit mistakes and apologize.          

3.     Attitude: The attitude of gratitude is the trademark of the humble. ‘Entitlement mentality’ will be absent in a meek person. There will be no grumbling or groaning, only praise and thankfulness. The innate nature of the humble is gratitude.

Grow in humility. Humility is not thinking that you are a helpless worm but having the mindset of a winner.

Ephesians 4:2 Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love.

Prayer: Dear Jesus, may I never boast about my holiness but exhibit meekness by being patient, kind and forgiving. Amen                                                                                                                                                                                   

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