23 October 2022 – Resume – Part 1

Genesis 15:6 “Abraham believed God, and it was credited to him as righteousness.”

Abraham’s resume in the Bible is stupendous. In the “outstanding achievements” section of the CV, the Lord God accredited him with righteousness as he believed God.  Abraham just trusted everything that came out of God’s mouth. The Curriculum Vitae (CV) of Abraham does not accentuate his migration out of his country and comfort zone under the ‘achievements/skills section’. It speaks about his faith and unshakable trust. God called Abraham from a secured environment and a thriving idol making business that he could have inherited. The Lord asked him to move to a place that was ‘to-be-confirmed’ later. Without knowing where he was going, he went on an expedition with the Lord. These were external manifestations of obedience yet, the faith in his heart was the astounding accredit in his resume. Simple childlike trust became Abraham’s ‘trade-mark’.

What would God write on our resume? What would He impute as endorsements on our CV?  Would He say that we trusted Him? Would He call us integrous, trustworthy and faithful or do we fall under the category of anxious, jittery and weak? Many times we think serving God will be credited as ‘righteousness’ or ‘goodness’ on our CV. It was not the action but the affection that was highlighted. To believe is to accept something is true, especially without any evidence. Many struggle to believe God even with sufficient evidence.  Abraham believed the impossible and overcame the impassable by taking God at His Word. Hence, next to Jesus, Abraham’s CV stands as an excellent resume.

What does your CV look like?

1.     Rejuvenate: Abraham believed that his dead body will be rejuvenated by the promise of God. Without weakening in his faith, he faced the fact that his body was as good as dead—since he was about a hundred years old—and that Sarah’s womb was also dead (Romans 4:19). If our resume must shine like Abraham’s, we must just take God’s promises as it is and believe. Believe that our good God has good blessings in store. Believe that with God we can never be defeated. Believe that the best is yet to come.

2.     Receive: Abraham received his promises as he hoped against all hope. Against all hope, Abraham in hope believed and so became the father of many nations (Romans 4:18). When the doctors said it was impossible to have a child, the couple continued to believe. When the banker, employer and leader closed their doors they still believed that they will inherit the country. Believe the impossible to receive the impeccable. 

3.     Resurrect: Abraham passed the final test when he boldly obeyed God and took his son to be sacrificed on Mount Moriah as he believed that God can raise the dead. The God who gives life to the dead and calls into being things that were not (Romans 4:17). He had never attended a miracle crusade or seen anyone being raised from the dead. Believe that God is unstoppable, immutable and omnipotent.       

Trust and simple childlike, faith will be credited as righteousness to our CV.

Romans 1:17 The just shall live by faith.

Prayer: Heavenly Father, help me to rewrite my CV that will be applauded in heaven and build my resume with simplicity, humility and authenticity. Amen                                                                    

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