28 October 2022 – Resume – Part 6

1 Samuel 3:19 And Samuel grew, and the Lord was with him, and there did not fall one of his words to the ground.

Samuel had a fantastic reference in his CV. The Lord was with him and everything that he spoke prophetically came to pass! Prophets are the mouthpiece of the Lord. They speak what God wants them to convey to the people. When a person is truly tuned-in to the voice of God, then his prophetic utterances will come to fruition. There is also a warning against those who speak of their own and call it prophecy. If what a prophet proclaims in the name of the Lord does not take place or come true, that is a message the Lord has not spoken. That prophet has spoken presumptuously, so do not be alarmed (Deuteronomy 18:22). When a prophecy doesn’t come to pass, it could be a ‘presumptuous prophecy’ or a ‘poignant prophecy’. Presumptuous prophets are proud and speak of their own. When we are threatened by a prophecy, be warned it is presumptuous. Prophecies will exhort, correct and convict not threaten, coerce or compel. But he who prophesies speaks to men for their edification, exhortation, and consolation (1 Corinthians 14:3). 

Samuel learnt the spiritual discipline of listening to the Lord from a very young age. He was only a child when the Lord gave him the very first prophetic utterance and ever since he became the ambassador and the prophet of the Lord. Samuel spoke only what he heard from the Lord. He did not speak impetuously or emotionally hence not a word that he spoke was left unfulfilled.

To be a mouthpiece of the Lord God, we must learn to listen to him before we open our mouth. No matter where we are, we can still listen to what God has to say. In the midst of a discussed or even a heated argument we can ask the Lord, “what is your perspective on this?” When we do so, truth will be implanted in our heart and will control the thoughts of our mind. Then we will also have a reference like Samuel in our resume.

What is the reference on your CV?

1.     Collaborate: A prophet works in partnership with the Lord. The Lord God is the active partner and the decision maker. We are only partners who execute His decisions and His plan. Collaborate and listen and take God’s opinion on everything.

2.     Confide: A prophet is a friend of God as the Lord God confides secrets with a friend. The LORD confides in those who fear Him, and reveals His covenant to them (Psalm 25:14). Close walk and a continuous conversation with the Lord will make us God’s best friends. 

3.     Corroborate: The Lord will and can only fulfill what He has spoken. The Lord God will confirm His Word through us if we wait at His feet and speak only what we hear Him speak in our hearts. God will corroborate His word through His prophets.  

The emphasis of Samuel’s CV was that he was the mouthpiece of God.  

Isaiah 44:26a But I carry out the predictions of my prophets!

Prayer: Sweet Holy Spirit, I surrender to listen to your continuous guidance, corrections and convictions and to be your mouthpiece to people around me. Amen  

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