06 November 2022 – The Gift of Imagination– Part 1

1 Chronicles 29:18 O Lord God of Abraham, Isaac, and of Israel, our fathers, keep this forever in the imagination of the thoughts of the heart of thy people, and prepare their heart unto thee:

“Human imagination is not simply our means of reaching out to God but God’s means of manifesting himself to us.” – Christian Wiman.

Imagination is a God-given gift to humanity to see the unseen. Cognitive Scientists explain that the ability to imagine is the result of something called a “mental workplace.” Mental workplace is a neural network that coordinates activity across multiple regions of the brain. The mental workplace is the womb of intuition, ideas and inventions. It is a place where both gratitude and ingratitude are fostered. Hence the imaginations of the mind see the glass half full or half empty. ‘Our life is gravitated towards our most dominant thoughts. We become what we think about most of the time.’ – Jude King, PhD. Thoughts shape the image in our mind through imagination.Hence it is imperative to use this God-given gift of imagination effectively.

The mental workplace is where imaginations are planted by the Lord Almighty. It is also the place where the demons deposit ugly, fearful and anxious thoughts. The thoughts that are repeated and nurtured become the fiber that weaves our imaginations that direct our life. So, stop and think about what you are thinking about. King David prayed a very profound prayer before he passed on the mantle of his Kingship to his son Solomon. Lord our God, all this abundance that we have provided for building you a temple for your Holy Name comes from your hand, and all of it belongs to you (1 Chronicles 29:16).  He prayed to the Lord that the imaginations of the thoughts of the people must always be focused on the fact that everything tangible comes from His intangible grace, mercy and goodness. When our thoughts are focused on Him, our imaginations will be built on truth and integrity.

Imagination is eye of the soul:

1.     Intention: Every intention is backed up by an imagination. If the intention is to become famous, it will be driven by an imagination of pomp and popularity, whereas an intention to glorify God sees the reward from the Lord God not the praises of men. I know, my God, that you test the heart and are pleased with integrity (vs 17). Both good and bad intentions are fostered by imaginations.

2.     Ideas: Ideas are birthed in the mind before they are put into action. When we stop imagining we will stop having ground-breaking ideas. Ideas need not be to turn the world upside down but we can start with turning our home right side up. Nurture creative ideas into imaginations and destroy ugly thoughts.

3.     Invention: Inventions are envisaged before they are manifested. The art of imagination ignites invention. So, don’t stop imagining new, innovative and creative ideas to birth inventions. 

Imagination is a God-given gift.

Numbers 23:19 God is not human, that he should lie, not a human being, that he should change his mind.

Prayer: Father God, teach me to use the gift of imagination to see the future through your eyes. Help my thoughts to shape my imagination and lead me to my destination. Amen      

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