12 November 2022 – The Gift of Imagination – Part 7

Hebrews 12:2b For the joy set before him he endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God.

“God is not an act of your imagination, you are an act of God’s imagination” – Anthony Douglas Williams.

We are a product of God’s imagination. The intricate nervous system, the complex cardiovascular system, respiratory, digestive, skeletal, muscular, urinary, and the reproductive systems that medical science has not completely unfurled were designed in God’s imagination before the creation of humanity. The Lord God who created us in His own image has inbuilt the same gift of imagination in us for us to be productive, creative and innovative. The primary gift of imagination is to fulfill the purpose of God in our lives.

It was the divine eyes of imagination that enabled Jesus to see beyond the cross, scorn and shame into the victory over sin, curse and sickness. The gift was like a powerade that geared Him through the raggedy road of Calvary. He was able to look beyond the suffering into the redemption of humanity.

Similarly, the gift of imagination would help us to wade through the traverse of pain, persecution and predicaments of life and see through the lens of faith. I ask that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened, so that you may know the hope of His calling, the riches of His glorious inheritance in the saints (Ephesians 1:18). We can never look beyond the present clamor into the glorious riches and inheritance without the eyes of imagination.  When our eyes of imagination are activated, there will be calm assurance in the storm, sturdiness in the squall and peace in the middle of a tempest through divine enlightenment. 

Hence, the gift of imagination is not fantasy or daydreaming. It is a splendid gift to see through the lens of God’s promises.

The gift of imagination enlightens our spiritual eyes:                                                      

1.     Primary: The primary objective of the gift of imagination is to see our problems and perturbations through the purpose of God. Jesus was able to see beyond His persecution and envisage the liberation and redemption of humanity through the cross. He had his eyes on the throne that was awaiting Him rather than the scorn that was inflicted on Him. Use the gift of imagination to accelerate faith and your God given purpose.

2.     Ancillary: The ancillary objective of the gift is to support the primary purpose. It is the gift of imagination that will give us innovative ideas to excel in our personal life, career and ministry calling. When this gift is misused to imagine failure it results in stress and anxiety. Use the gift of imagination to boost growth and progress.  

3.     Auxiliary: The auxiliary or supplementary use of this gift is to bring newness to the ethos we are in. The gift of imagination is a niche gift that can change the perspective positively and reinstall faith and hope in friends, associates and family. Use the gift to bless others.

The gift of imagination is the driver that encourages us to reach God’s plan for our lives.

Isaiah 43:19a See, I am doing a new thing!

 Prayer: Father God, revitalize the gift of imagination in me and help me to use it effectively to build my faith and the others around me.  Amen  

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