19 November 2022 – Fear – Part 7

1 Samuel 28:20 Saul fell full length on the ground, paralyzed with fright because of Samuel’s words.

Psychologist, author and therapist Dr. Margaret Wehrenberg who specializes in her article ‘Fear Keeps Depression in Place’ (Psychologist Today) confirms that anxiety and depression go hand-in-glove. This is not just true for those who suffer with severe depression and need medical intervention but also includes those who live in ‘fear phobia’ under an impending fret that something will go wrong every day of their life. Those who are betrayed in relationships are confined to loneliness in the fear of being hurt again. There are others who would fail to try new adventures and ideas in the fear of failing. “Giving up is the only sure way to fail.” – Gena Showalter. Fear of health, criticism, condemnation or disapproval are other fears that keep people under the black cloud of anxiety. Fear is the root cause of depression and despondency. Psychologists have confirmed that the chain of fear must be broken to overcome depression, pessimism and gloom.

There are many solutions that therapists and the scientific world can offer but the permanent solution to overcome fear is only in Christ Jesus. We read that King Saul was paralyzed with fright when he heard about the doom that was awaiting him. Fear paralyzes. Fear makes us lose our appetite and keeps us in isolation. Fear is a tormenting spirit from the pit of hell.

The antidote to fear is in the Bible. There is no fear in love. But perfect love drives out fear, because fear has to do with punishment (1 John 4:18a).  “Perfect love” is the flawless understanding that God is in control of everything in our life. Perfect love esteems God as the head of our family, the boss at our workplace, the manager over our finances. God will be our mentor, comforter and counselor when we overflow in perfect love. We are in the spectrum of ‘perfect love’ when we learn to allow the Lord to take the driver’s seat and surrender all control into God’s hands.

Perfect love drives out all fear:                                                                                     

1.     Pitiful: Fear of being hurt again, fear of loss or betrayal will keep us locked up in self-pity and isolation. However perfect love will see it as God’s divine hand that severs wrong relationships and dangerous connections. God loves us way too much to permit vicious, sadistic and virulent relationships. Stop nursing self-pity wounds and start living in perfect love.

2.     Painful: Fear of going through a painful loss again will make us reserved, harsh and blunt. However perfect love will see the painful incidents as God’s training grounds to build the muscle of faith. Perfect love will turn pain into power.

3.     Perfect: Perfect love trusts that all things, good, bad and ugly will ultimately work together for our good. Perfect love is never flustered about the unknown as it stands on the solid ground of God’s impeccable compassion and faithfulness.    

When you are anxious, remember God is still on the throne. He will make all things work together for our good.       

1 John 4:18b The one who fears is not made perfect in love.

Prayer: Father God, may fear never pillage my trust in you. Let me rest safely in perfect love and trust that you are overseeing every detail of my life.  Amen 

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