08 December 2022 – Smart Casuals – Part 5

Ephesians 4:31 Get rid of all bitterness, rage, anger, harsh words, and slander, as well as all types of evil behavior.

Smart casual is a dress code that will fit into both formal as well as informal settings. While casual outfits can be worn only for informal occasions, smart-casual can be worn for both formal and informal occasions. Our virtual clothing cannot be formal and legalistic in a spiritual environment and informal in the world. Forgiveness, patience, politeness and kindness are not just the dress codes in church and conventions but also in the social and secular sectors. There are people who think that it is impossible to be 100% honest and integrous in a corporate or business environment. “Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven.” (Matthew 5:16). Our light of fidelity, faithfulness and forbearing should shine the brightest before men whose eyes are darkened by worldliness and waywardness. As smart-casual etiquette fits into any setting, Christ-likeness will soften stress at the workplace, mitigate roughness in relationships and calm down clamor.  Put off malice, hypercriticism and unforgiveness.

On the way to Jerusalem Jesus wanted to stop by Samaria. Jesus was not new to Samaria. He has had mighty revival meetings in Samaria before. Samaritans were considered as half breeds by the Jews. In 721 BC the Assyrian captivity brought Assyrian settlers into Israel and the Assyrians who intermingled with the Israelites were the Samaritan. It was a dishonor for the Jews to eat or even drink water from the hands of the Samaritans. But when they refused to open their gates for Jesus, the disciples were furious. When the disciples James and John saw this, they asked, “Lord, do you want us to call fire down from heaven to destroy them?” But Jesus turned and rebuked them (Luke 9:54-55). Revenge and vengeance is the Lord’s. No matter how ruthless or ungrateful the offender has been, we have no right to become bitter or retaliate in revenge.    

Put off:

1.     Bitterness: Bitterness, sourness in the spirit, or animosity cannot be justified no matter how cruel the abuser was. “Forgiveness is not an emotion. It is an act of the will” says Corrie ten Boom who forgave the guard who was partially responsible for the death of her sister in the Nazis concentration camp. Bitterness is the cancer of the soul. If it takes root, it will destroy the soul.

2.     Brawling: Brawling is not an excuse. Anger, clamor and fits of rage do not make the situation better, it only worsens it. Anger increases our heart rate, blood pressure and respiration. The brain shunts blood away from the gut and towards the muscles in preparation to fight. Brawling weakens our immunity, increases the risk of heart disease, stroke and depression.

3.     Belaboring: Belaboring or tongue lashing would give temporary relief but make permanent damage to relationships. Apologizing can soften the animosity but cannot erase the harsh words spilt out.       

Dress in smart-casual attire of gentleness and godliness.

James 1:319-20 “Let every person be quick to hear, slow to speak, slow to anger; for the anger of man does not produce the righteousness of God. ”

Prayer: Jesus, you are my role model to forgiveness, patience and meekness. I will put off anger, malice and frenzy and put on godliness.  Amen

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