10 December 2022 – Smart Casuals – Part 7

Genesis 37:3 And Jacob loved Joseph more than all his sons, because he was to him the son of old age; and he made for him a coat of many colours.

Joseph’s father Jacob gifted him a multi-colour coat. No doubt the coat was expensive. Most clothing in the ancient times was of one colour. This was a special tailor-made smart-casual coat with such rare dyes that made it prominent. This coat gave Joseph special distinction over his brothers. Jacob’s expression of his special love for Joseph made the brothers of Joseph jealous. Enraged with envy they tore the multi-colour coat away from Joseph and sold him as a slave into Egypt. Potiphar, the man who bought Joseph as a slave also gave him a coat. This coat was a cloak of position to manage his household.  However, Potiphar’s wife tempted Joseph into infidelity but Joseph tore himself away, but he left his cloak in her hand as he ran from the house (Genesis 39:12). So he lost the coat that he received from his father as well as the cloak from his master. While Joseph was locked up in the prison unjustly accused of immorality by Potiphar’s wife,  Pharaoh sent for him to interpret  a perplexing dream. Joseph was divinely anointed with the gift of interpretation of dreams. The King of Egypt, overwhelmed by the interpretation, honoured Joseph by clothing him in royal attire. Then Pharaoh took his signet ring from his finger and put it on Joseph’s finger. He dressed him in robes of fine linen and put a gold chain around his neck (Genesis 41:42). The multi-colour coat that his father gave him was torn by envy, the cloak that his Egyptian master gave him was tarnished by injustice but the clothing that the King gave him crowned him with lasting dignity.  

Three lessons from the life of Joseph:

1.     Multi-colour: Our family and friends dress us with multi-colour coats of love and acceptance but if the approval of people is the only covering we have we will soon be discouraged. Life will bring cruel and callous people who will be rude and raspy. Such people will tear the multi-colour coat of self-confidence from us.  Let go and don’t fight back. There is a coat of honour waiting for us when we forgive those who treat us harshly.  

2.     Mutilated: There will be times when we are accused unjustly and blamed ruthlessly. Bless those who persecute you and move on. The King of Kings is waiting on the other side of the door to adone you with His glory. Leave back the position that was given by the world and exchange it for divine power from heaven. There is a cloak of dignity waiting for those who relinquish titles and designations.

3.     Majestic: Joseph was respected next to Pharaoh and ruled Egypt for 80 years. (He came to power at the age of 30 and died at 110). For 3 decades of suffering Joseph was esteemed with the majestic coat of honour for 8 decades! The coat of honour from the King of Kings is on the other side of the present suffering.             

The robe of honour from the Lord will last forever and will walk us into eternity.

Romans 13:14 Instead, clothe yourselves with the Lord Jesus.

Prayer: Father God, help me to clothe my soul with godliness that endows me with divine honour. No one can snatch the coat of honour that you give me. Ame

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