06 January 2022 – Resilience – Part 6

Psalm 20:7-8 Some trust in chariots and some in horses, but we trust in the name of the Lord our God. They are brought to their knees and fall, but we rise up and stand firm.

Be strong enough to stand up again. Even after haters make you to drop to your knees” – T D Jakes

Resilience redefines the portrait painted by failures. We don’t have to let a failure, mistake or mishap define our future. When we are knocked-down with shame and self-condemnation we must learn our lessons, pick ourselves up and keep going. Resilience is the boldness to stand up and keep moving forward out of a booing and mocking crowd. This is not possible with our own strength. Betrayal can crush the soul and rejection can break the spirit. Most people who fail go into depression not just because they have failed but because of the snub, stigma and the scorn that they face. Jesus can heal us from every hurt, pain, dejection and derision. Accepting the forgiveness of Jesus and getting rid of the shroud of shame makes us more than conquerors.

David was covered with shame when he was called out by the Prophet Nathan. The conversation between Nathan and David about David’s sin with Bathsheba was not a private one. It was before all the officials of the great king. David did not react in shame or anger; He went into the temple and repented openly before the Lord and the people. Psalm 51 was his open confession. Even today David is celebrated as the greatest King of Israel. The flag of Israel proudly bears the ‘star of David’.  David is the most frequently mentioned name in the Old Testament and second most frequently mentioned name in the New Testament. The miserable fall into adultery did not define the future of David. David stood up bold and tall with the forgiveness of the Almighty God.

Jesus defines the future of the resilient:

1.     Receive: Receive God’s word as the antidote to condemnation. The only cure to depression is the Word of God. There is a promise of redemption to every sinner and a pathway of recovery to every maledict. A decision to follow Jesus and to be obedient floods us with God’s favour. Receive God’s forgiveness, freedom and favour.

2.     Recede: Recede from the toxic environment of guilt and condemnation. Jesus can only offer forgiveness to those who would disconnect from their sinful ways. This would also mean that we must move away from those who tempt us to sin or slander. Disconnection with the wrong association is as important as connection with the right people.   

3.     Rebound: Confessing God’s Word, applying His blood and calling out on the name of Jesus builds spiritual stamina to stand up when we fall down. The world will denounce us but Jesus will never condemn us. Jesus will never define our future by our past failure.

Resilience is the spiritual stamina to overcome condemnation and stand-up in the midst of the mockers and to step-out boldly.

Romans 8:37 No, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us.

Prayer:  Dearest Lord Jesus, thank you for accepting me when the world rejected me. I will rebound and move forward with your strength. Amen

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