17 January 2022 – Fruitfulness – Part 3

John 12:24 Very truly I tell you, unless a kernel of wheat falls to the ground and dies, it remains only a single seed. But if it dies, it produces many seeds.

Science teaches us that in order to germinate, a seed must die. Seeds ‘wake up’ and start growing when the soil moisture and temperature conditions are favorable for them to grow. A seed must die in order to give new life and be fruitful. Myles Munroe in his talk on the ‘Power of the Seed’ explains, “God never tells us to go find seed; it is already within us. Inside each of us is the seed potential for a full forest”. There is a seed filled with fruitfulness in us but the seed must die in order to frolic, flourish and be fruitful. The process of death of a seed is when it transforms into roots that go deep and shoots that make their way out of the dirt into the air.

Jesus used the allegory of a wheat seed falling on the ground to die as a simile for us to die to our ‘self’. It simply means to transform and reform us to God’s Word, God’s will and God’s ways. Dying to self means to become like Christ in our words, deeds and actions. It is the response of the seed that makes it fruitful. The seed responds to the soil moisture, temperature and sunlight and breaks forth into roots and stems. Likewise it is our response to God’s still small voice, His direction and impressions in our heart to obey, to be faithful, truthful, honest and humble that will make us fruitful.

We must die to become fruitful:

1.     Inform: Loading ourselves with information does not make us fruitful. Information must become revelation and change us. The Word of God must germinate in our hearts in order to produce fruit. The anger of man does not produce the righteousness of God (James 1:20), will remain as dormant information if the Word does not germinate and sprout into patience. Patience will then produce the fruit of godliness.               

2.     Conform: The seed has to be separated from the cluster and must be sowed into the dark moist soil alone in order to germinate. We cannot be conformed to the practices of the world. We must be separated. We are called to stand out. Severing from worldliness makes us fruitful.

3.     Transform: The seed loses itself, breaks free from the secured shell that holds life and sprouts in order to be fruitful. Transformation is to completely change, reflect and radiate Christ in and through us. When people talk to us, they must taste the flavour of Jesus. They must smell the aroma of Christ and see the light of Jesus shining through us. Transform like Jesus.  

As the seed has to die to produce fruit, we must die to our old ways, habits and patterns to become fruitful.

Romans 12:2 Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind.

Prayer:  Dear Jesus, I surrender to die to myself, my ways, my intentions and desires. Transform me to become like you and make me fruitful. Amen

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