18 January 2022 – Fruitfulness – Part 4

Isaiah 32:17 The fruit of righteousness will be peace; the effect of righteousness will be quietness and confidence forever.

Fruitfulness is the result of faithfulness. Righteousness, holiness and faithfulness make us bountiful and fruitful. The formula is very simple. Choosing ‘honesty’ over ‘duplicity’ partners our efforts with the hand of the Almighty God. When the Lord God is the CEO of our life and when He makes the final call on all our decisions there will be growth, blossoms and abundance of fruits. Our efforts will yield much reward, our relationships will be genuine and authentic and the investment of our time, money and talents will explode. Faithfulness makes us fruitful.

“Joseph is a fruitful vine” (Genesis 49:22a). Anything he touched multiplied. Joseph’s boss Potiphar was able to notice the favour of God upon Joseph. He saw that Joseph’s work ethics were fastidious and uncompromising. Hence he placed Joseph in charge of everything he owned. Potiphar saw that the LORD was with Joseph and that was with Joseph and that the LORD helped Joseph be successful in everything he did (Genesis 39:2-3). The teenager who was rejected by his own sibling became an indomitable leader in a foreign land. Even when Joseph was wrongly accused of attempted adultery he was calm. The iron doors of the Egyptian prison with no hope of release did not steal the peace or the fruitfulness of Joseph. We don’t hear Joseph mourning, complaining or regretting even in the prison, rather we see him fruitful and flourishing. But while Joseph was there in the prison, the Lord was with him;.. So the warden put Joseph in charge of all those held in the prison, and he was made responsible for all that was done there (Genesis 39:20,21a & 22). The effect of righteousness will be calmness and confidence.

Faithfulness makes us fruitful:

1.     Honesty: Honesty is the manure that makes us fruitful. Honesty puts us in uncomfortable tight corners. Being upright in an upside down world is not always easy. Standing out can be very finicky but God rewards faithfulness with fruitfulness. The honesty of Joseph over a household exalted him as the finance minister in-charge on the treasury of Egypt.    

2.     Holiness: Holiness increases the viscosity of God’s presence. Where the presence of the Lord abounds, there is bountiful harvest. Joseph chose holiness over happiness; purity over pleasure. Holiness is the sunlight that flourishes the garden of life with fruitfulness.

3.     Humility: Humility accelerates fertility and fruitfulness. Humility attracts the anointing for innovation, insight and increase. Even before the Pharaoh, Joseph testified, “I cannot do it,” Joseph replied to Pharaoh, “but God will give Pharaoh the answer he desires.” (Genesis 41:16). Humility waters productivity, elevation and promotion.

Honesty, holiness and humility are the manure, sunlight and water to fruitfulness.

Genesis 41:39-40 Then Pharaoh said to Joseph, “Since God has made all this known to you, there is no one so discerning and wise as you.  You shall be in charge of my palace, and all my people are to submit to your orders. Only with respect to the throne will I be greater than you.”

Prayer:  Heavenly Father, help me to put on the coat of honesty, holiness and humility in everything I do. May my thoughts, words and deeds be faithful and fruitful. Amen 

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