23 January 2023 – Pocket Prayers – Part 2

Psalm 34:1 I will bless the LORD at all times: his praise shall continually be in my mouth.

Praise is a powerful pocket prayer. Praise is an acclamation about God’s nature. Praise is simply boasting about the greatness, omnipotence and goodness of God. We can praise Him for the sunrise that never fails day after day, for the fresh air we breathe and the birds that chirp every morning. When praise is embedded in our conversations, our vocabulary strengthens our inner man. “The joy of the Lord is my strength” (Nehemiah 8:10). “Happiness depends on ‘happenings’ (circumstances), but JOY comes straight from God.” CS Lewis. Happiness will fade away with time but joy can never be jaded. Joy bubbles from the confidence we have in the nature of God. Praise is the powerade that energizes our soul.

King David changed the dynamics of worship with his little handmade harp. Composing songs of praise was his first profession. His composition is the compilation of the book of Psalms. And my tongue shall declare Your righteousness And Your praise all day long (Psalm 35:28). He worshipped the Lord with his songs all day long. While David was watching over his father’s flock in the open field he would look up at the moonlit starry sky and sing with his stringed instrument, Praise him, sun and moon, praise him, all you shining stars. Praise him, you highest heavens and you waters above the skies (Psalm 148:3). David continued to compose songs of praise even after he was promoted from the sheep pen to the palace as the King of Israel. So will I sing praise unto thy name for ever, that I may daily perform my vows (Psalm 61:8).  Is it possible to praise God all day like David?

Praise is a powerful pocket prayer:

1.     Recollect: Even during a busy day, we can recollect the goodness of God in everything that we see. David’s praise was extempore. He looked at his innocent ‘baaing’ sheep and wrote Psalm 23. He looked at the grandeur of the firmaments and wrote Psalm 19. He probably wrote Psalm 91, (the most used Psalm) after his flock was attacked by wild beasts. We can praise God for every flower that blossoms, the dew on the green leaves in our garden and the water that flows from our taps. Recollecting blessings puts the power of praise on our lips.

2.     Ricochet: Ruminating over ruthless ill-treatment or painful incidents steals away our praise. Overcome the pain with the praise that we are not where we used to be. When the devil reminds us of a bitter betrayal, we must retaliate with praise about God’s unfailing love and goodness that brought us out of toxic relationships.  

3.     Reverberate: Praise is the echo of what God has done and what He is going to do. Praise honours God and paves the way for the miracle. Those who sacrifice thank offerings honor me, and to the blameless I will show my salvation.” (Psalm 50:8). Reverberate His goodness

Praise is a powerful pocket prayer.

Psalm 92:1 It is good to praise the LORD and make music to your name

Prayer:  Dear Lord Jesus, may your praises never leave my lips. Let the meditation of my heart and the rumination of my mind be the sweet incense of praise all day long. Amen 

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