27 January 2023 – Pocket Prayers – Part 6

1 Samuel 30:8 David inquired of the Lord, “Shall I pursue this raiding party? Will I overtake them?”

Enquiring the Lord to get a “Yes” or “No” is a very powerful pocket prayer. David, the mighty warrior, never assumed that he must jump into battle when the enemy came against him. He had the skills and strength but he always sought spiritual guidance before he plunged into the battlefield. Then David said to Abiathar the priest, the son of Ahimelek, “Bring me the ephod” (1 Samuel 30:7). David had an ephod and a priest to enquire and we have God’s Word and the Holy Spirit to guide us. It is not difficult to hear God when we have His Word embedded in our hearts. The Holy Spirit will speak to us through His Word, through a still small voice or through peace in our hearts.

Enquiring with the Lord to get a ‘Yes’ or ‘No’ is a very purposeful pocket prayer that will guide our actions. We should not fight the battles that do not belong to us. We need not fight to prove our innocence or intentions if our actions are righteous and integrous. Let God fight the battle. We need not fight to gain position or power. Promotion comes from the Lord. There are things that are apparent in the Word of God but when we are at crossroads and do not know what to do, stop, still your soul and speak to God. We know that any action or reaction from fear, fury or envy will sabotage God’s plan for us. But when we are at a junction not knowing which path to take, wait for God’s ‘Yes’ or ‘No’. Stop, rest and listen to God’s word and voice. For you are my God. Your good Spirit will lead me into the righteous land (Psalm 142:10).

The importance of pocket prayers:

1.     Perturbation: When perplexed and perturbed, evaluate the issue through the Word of God. We normally analyze a problem through our emotions. When we are hurt, our feelings will tag us as ‘the innocent angel’ and the offender as a personification of ‘the devil’! However, when we pray over our actions or reactions, God will clearly guide us through convictions and confirmations. Pocket prayers help us to overcome our perturbations.  

2.     Peace: Pocket prayers help us to surrender our anxiety and stress to the Lord. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus (Philippines 4:7). Peace is the GPS that authenticates that we are on the right track.                                                                                       

3.     Presence: Involving God in all our decisions endows us with the presence of God. The Israelite horde stopped when the presence/‘pillar of fire and cloud’ stopped and moved when the pillar moved. ‘Pocket prayers’ invites the presence of God to guide, lead and direct.   

Enquire with the Lord and wait for His ‘Yes’ or ‘No’.

Numbers 9:17 When the cloud moved from its place over the Tent, the Israelites moved, and wherever the cloud stopped.

Prayer:  Heavenly Father, may I never do or commit anything without clearly understanding your will. Speak to me with a clear “Yes” or “No” every time I seek your guidance. Amen 

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