29 January 2023 – Divine Weaponry – Part 1

2 Corinthians 10:4 The weapons we fight with are not the weapons of the world. On the contrary, they have divine power to demolish strongholds.

The year 2023 began with an incredible miracle at a football ground in Pennsylvania. The 24 year old football player Damar Hamlin of the Buffalo Bills collapsed on the ground after a fatal blow to his chest at the football game at McKees Rocks, Pennsylvania on the 2nd of Jan 2023. The team and staff knelt in a tight circle and prayed as the medics worked on resuscitating the dead boy. Tre Tipton, CEO of a Pittsburgh-based mental health coaching firm stated “Damar got the whole world to pray. God allowed Damar to get the whole world to pray.” Damar recovered and improved steadily after 7 days of prayer. ‘Over the next seven days, a national outpouring of prayer and support was rewarded by Hamlin’s steady return to consciousness.’

Prayer brings victory. Prayer is the most powerful weapon. ‘Prayer is powerful. It can heal, prayer can give, and it can change lives.’ Shane DeCreshio. Prayer of the nation brought life back to young Damar. The prayer of the young and old, opponent team, staff, coaching and the spectators on the football ground revived a young player who was lying dead on the ground. The heaven was stormed with the prayers of a helpless crowd. God heard their cry and revitalized the heart that stopped beating. Prayer is a divine weapon that God has blessed us with. Sincere not spurious, tenacious not traditional prayers unlock the door of heaven. The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much” (James 5:16). Prayer of the righteous means sincere, succulent and spirit-led prayer.

Prayer is the most powerful divine weapon:

1.     Sincere: A sincere cry from the depth of our heart gets the attention of heaven. Our prayers need not be lengthy long prayers with super spiritual vocabulary. A simple child-like cry from a sincere soul is a powerful weapon. God heard their groaning (Exodus 2:24). Not ritualistic but regular and sincere connection with God is a sharp weapon that sabotages the enemy’s plan.

2.     Secret: Secret prayers in our prayer closet bring public reward. Prayer time sharpens our weapons as we regularly and rhetorically spend time in secret with the Lord.  Our prayers and tears never go to waste. Sincere secret private prayers avail public rewards.

3.     Spirit-led: Prayers must be spirit-led. There are prayers from our emotions and feelings. We put words to how we feel about a betrayal, frustration or disappointment and think that we are praying in the spirit. Spirit-led prayer is praying the Word of God. Praying forgiveness and not retribution, it is praying God’s will and not our wish. Allow the Holy Spirit to take over your thoughts as you start praying.   

Prayer is the most powerful weapon on earth. Use it effectively.

Matthew 6:6 When thou pray, enter into thy closet, and when thou hast shut thy door, pray to thy Father which is in secret; and thy Father which sees in secret shall reward thee openly.

Prayer:  Dearest Holy Spirit, lead me to use the powerful divine weapon of prayer and pray effectual, meaningful and Sprit-led prayers. Amen

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