30 January 2023 – Divine Weaponry – Part 2

Exodus 12:22 Take a bunch of hyssop, dip it into the blood in the basin and put some of the blood on the top and on both sides of the doorframe.

The statistics published by the World Health Organization (WHO) confirmed that about 118.54 million blood donations are collected worldwide. One donor can save up to 3 lives. Every two seconds someone is in need of blood and blood donation saves patients in critical care or chronic illness. The most important reason to seriously consider blood donation is because “there is no substitute for human blood”.

As blood is inevitably vital for a healthy body, the blood of Jesus shed on Calvary is crucial for our inner man. There is no substitute for the blood of Jesus. Donation to good works, service in the slum or building towering cathedrals and pinnacles cannot replace the life-giving blood of Jesus.

“The Passover feast” was the Old Testament shadow of the New Testament reality to the Blood of Jesus. Each home had to slaughter one lamb and apply the blood in the sides and the top of the doorframes of the house. The blood was not to be applied on the threshold as the blood cannot be trampled. The blood of the lamb was given to the Israelites as a weapon of defense against the spirit of death and destruction. Likewise, the blood of Jesus is given to us, the New Testament believers, as the weapon of offense against eternal death. The doorframe was the entry to their homes and the ears and eyes are the entry points to our soul. Applying the blood over our mind, eyes and ears protects our soul from destruction. 

The blood of Jesus is the second divine weapon:

1.     Basin: Before the Exodus journey, the blood of the slaughtered lamb was collected in a basin to be applied over their door frames. The Bible is the basin or container that holds the precious blood of Jesus. Repeating the Word of God is like applying the protecting blood of Jesus over our lives. The Bible holds the secret to our success and security.

2.     Blood: The blood of the blemish-less lamb stood as a security against the invisible destruction that ruined Egypt. All the first born humans and animals fell dead. There were corpses of both the elite and the poor all alike. The blood of Jesus is the protection that we have against the invisible enemy, the devil. Blood of Jesus is the central security system of our lives and our homes.   

3.     Blob: As there is no substitute to human blood, there is no substitute to the blood of Jesus. One blob of His precious blood can wipe away our unforgivable debt of transgressions and iniquities. Apply the blood of Jesus from the basin (The Bible) to the doorframe (the mind, ears and eyes). The blob of blood is the antiseptic antidote to sin and bloodline curses.

The blood is our offensive weapon against the condemnations and the curses of the demonic world.

Exodus 12:28 The Israelites did just what the Lord commanded Moses and Aaron.

Prayer:  Dearest Lord Jesus, I apply the blood over my home, family, ministry, finances, career and relationships. Thank you for the powerful weapon that I can carry in my heart. Amen

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