31 January 2023 – Divine Weaponry – Part 3

Psalm 149:5-6 Let those who worship him rejoice in his glory. Let the high praises of God be in their mouth, and a two-edged sword in their hand.

Praise and worship sets the stage for victory in any battle that we face. Praise is a weapon. High Praise is an atomic bomb that blasts the demonic ghetto. High praise is the protocol of heaven that paralyzes the enemy. Praise is an overflow of gratitude and thanksgiving but ‘High Praise’ is adulation of the Almighty God in the midst of a dark dungeon or desolate desert. High Praise is a worship and adoration even when we are thrown into a cistern of darkness, disappointment or depression. When we raise our voice to praise and worship, after being knocked down by disappointments, derision and depression, our high praise turns into a powerful weapon that destroys the enemy. While whining, mourning and complaining invites the demonic forces into our homes, praise and worship destroys the plots and the ploy of the enemy. High Praise is a nuclear weapon that obliterates the enemy.

If praise is a handgun, High Praise is a nuclear weapon. If praise can chase ten demons, high praise will annihilate tens of thousands. When our first and only response to bad, sad or terrorizing news is praise, it paralyzes the enemy from advancing further. If praise frightens the demonic forces, ‘high praise’ throws them into confusion and conundrum. High Praise is a powerful spiritual weapon that annihilates the evil forces.   

High Praise is an atomic bomb:

1.     Perturb: We can praise God when the day is bright and the flowers are colourful but when we choose to praise Him on a dark, stormy and cloudy day, our praise turns into ‘high praise’. It becomes a powerful missile that destroys the enemy forces. When perturbed by fear, uncertainty and bad news, start praising the Lord. I know that the Lord is great, that our Lord is greater than all gods.The Lord does whatever pleases him, in the heavens and on the earth, in the seas and all their depths. (Psalm 135:5-6). God is sovereign over WHO, World Bank and the White House.

2.     Puzzle: When we are puzzled, disappointed and discouraged, we must start praising God. When overwhelmed with the cares of life, stop worrying and start praising. Praise that rises from the ashes becomes High Praise. High praises will discombobulate the demonic hovel.  

3.     Pout: Pouting, discontent and displeasure are cracks and crevices that evil spirits creep through. When we pout or tout even for a bout, it will welcome the evil spirits of sulk, sorrow and sadness. High praise instead of pouting will bombard and barrage the scheme of the devil.

Praise is a handgun to shoot the enemy but High Praise is an atomic bomb that obliterates the demonic ghetto.

Psalm 68:1 Let God arise, let his enemies be scattered: let them also that hate him flee before him.

Prayer:  Almighty God, You are All-mighty and there is nothing too hard for you. I will choose to praise you even in the deep dark dungeon and destroy the enemy. Amen

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