01 February 2023 – Divine Weaponry – Part 4

1 Thessalonians 5:8: But since we belong to the day, let us be self-controlled and put on the armor of faith and love, and a helmet of the hope of salvation.

Our mind can turn from a palatial bungalow to a petrified battlefield in a few seconds if we entertain the wrong thoughts. The greatest weapon against stress is our ability to choose one thought over another” – William James. The thoughts we choose to ruminate sets the temperature of the day. The ‘helmet of the hope of salvation’ is a defensive weapon against pejorative, pessimistic and provoking thoughts that destroy peace. Hence it is imperative to put on the divine weapon of the ‘helmet of hope and salvation’ to be self-controlled, serene and succulent.

Positive stress or good stress is ‘eustress’. This is a stress that excites us. Starting a new job, marriage, moving or buying a new home or planning a holiday season can stimulate positive stress. However, ‘stress’ is normally related to negative pressure. A bad relationship, abuse, divorce, financial difficulty or death can leave a lingering negative stress. A stress that lingers can result in a phobia. A phobia to make new friends, to venture into investments or take up a new challenge could be a result of lingering stress that was tucked away in the back shelf of our heart and gets triggered with change.

King Saul did not have his helmet of salvation hence, he allowed envy to invade his mind and corrupt his heart. Samson did not have this helmet to protect him from fornication and adultery. The apostle Peter did not have his helmet to guard him from the attacks of insecurity and fear. The helmet of salvation guards our mind from fear and the helmet of hope keeps our vision vivid.

Put on the Helmet of salvation and hope:

1. Self-Control: Self-control is not the control of our mind with our own ability but with the power of the Holy Spirit. Fear, insecurity and low-self esteem are few triggers to lose self-control. The helmet of hope will bounce away the attacks of fear, belittlement and pessimistic judgmental thoughts. Bottled up stress, dread and panic explode as uncontrollable anger and frustration. Security in Christ Jesus is the inner lining of the helmet of hope.     

2. Serenity: The helmet of salvation keeps our mind calm, peaceful and untroubled even in challenging circumstances. “Salvation” is the assurance of being delivered and set free. King Saul lost his cool as he was anxious about his future. Sin and disobedience wrapped his heart with fear and insecurity which made him lose control and his mind. Helmet of salvation bounces away insecurity and secures the serenity of our mind.

3. Salvation: The helmet of salvation and hope is the unshakable assurance that God is in absolute control at all times and He will thread the good, bad and ugly together for our good. The helmet of salvation and hope is the divine weapon and guard over our godly character.

The helmet of salvation and hope protects our mind and thoughts.

Psalm 27:1 The LORD is my light and my salvation– whom shall I fear?

Prayer:  Father God, I choose to put on the helmet of salvation and hope every morning to get through the day without stress, fear or any other attacks on my mind. Amen

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