12 February 2023 – Battle Injuries – Part 1

Ephesians 6:12 For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against.

Most common battle injuries are second and third degree burns, broken bones, shrapnel wounds, brain injuries, spinal cord injuries, nerve damage, paralysis, loss of sight and hearing, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), and limb loss. The main causes of battle injuries are overuse of the ankle, foot, knee or hands causing strain, sprains and stress fractures.

Not all of us are soldiers who fight for our countries but spiritually we are in a constant battle. Sometimes we could be in multiple battles at the same time. Battle at home, at our workplace and with close associates; battles of resistance, rejection or repetition of wrong patterns. We could be battling with a family member who is resisting salvation and the grace of God. There could be battles of rejection at our work and or we might be struggling with wrong repetitive actions or repercussions of incorrect decisions. Relationships can cause battle injuries and throw us out of action. Just like a physical injury, emotional injuries and spiritual attacks leave pain, fractures and shrapnel wounds to the bones, brain and the body. If these injuries are not treated the soul will be depressed and diseased.

Treat your battle injuries:

1. Bind: Just as broken bones need casts and rest, a broken heart needs to be bound with love and care. Don’t ignore the emotional pain and shroud it with a smiling façade. Take help. Find a trustworthy godly friend, pastor or counselor and share the pain. Take a balanced view and medicate your broken heart with the Word of God. God’s Word is life to those who find them and health to one’s whole body (Proverbs 4:23). The only therapy that heals our broken heart is the repetition of the promises of God over our brokenness. Bind the broken heart with God’s Word.

2. Break: Soldiers go on a break to recuperate after a battle to recover from their injuries. If you are hurt, wounded or injured, take a break and rest in God’s presence. Don’t rush to repair the issue or fix people. Stop trying to fix your spouse, sibling or a system. If we rush into action with a bruised heart it will be like a soldier wielding a sword with a fractured arm. Take a break and sit in God’s presence.

3. Build: In the natural, a broken bone becomes weaker but in the spiritual realm, brokenness will make us stronger and bolder as we use the antidote of God’s Word to treat the brokenness. We can never feel the pain of rejection until we are rejected. Turn the pain into power by treating the battle injuries. If not, they would be infected with doubt, bitterness and depression. Battle injuries from spiritual battles when treated accurately will turn into scars that will build the brokenness of others.

Treat your battle injuries with the Word of God.

Psalm 147:3 He heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds.

Prayer: Father God, I will apply your Word as the antidote to the battle bruises and broken bones. Pain, insults and malign actions cannot debilitate me. Amen

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