23 February 2023 – Anger Management – Part 5

Ecclesiastes 7:9 Do not be quickly provoked in your spirit, for anger resides in the lap of fools.

Anger will push people to make foolish decisions. “Anger is one letter short of Danger”.  Angry words can weaken the love in a marriage and shatter the bonds of friendship. “Just because you are angry, it doesn’t give you the right to be cruel”. Sarcasm, critical comments and cynicism will add fuel to angry words. “A soft word turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger” (Proverbs 15:1). Insulting or belittling words should not be used in angry conversations. “You always”, “You never” “You don’t care” are critical and judgmental statements that will set the conversation on fire. Anger resides in the bosom of fools and the hot-tempered will make silly decisions that they will regret later.

Mordecai was a Jewish exile who was employed in the citadel of Persian King Xerxes. However, the fervent Jew had disguised himself under the pagan name ‘Mordecai’ which was the name of a Babylonian god Marduk. He masked himself as a Chaldean or Babylonian but he refused to worship anyone other than the Lord God. Haman was a highest ranking officer in the court of King Xerxes and Mordecai refused to bow down to him. When Haman saw that Mordecai would not kneel down or pay him honor, he was enraged (Esther 3:5). In the Jewish culture bowing down is a posture of worship. Haman in a fit of rage plotted not only to kill Mordecai but the entire Jewish race that was scattered all over the kingdom. The fury of Haman turned the official into a vicious villain. God turned the plot of the angry man back to his own family. When the ploy was exposed, Haman and his family hung on the gallows that were set for Mordecai and his people. 

Anger labels people as fools:

1. Folly: The anger in the bosom of Haman turned into a lethal folly. Anger against one man blew out of proportion against the entire Jewish community. Bad experiences turn into racial discrimination and prejudice in modern society. Anger against one person turns into rage against the ethnic group as racism. Anger hoarded in the heart makes them fools. 

2. Frown: “It takes 43 muscles to frown and only 17 muscles to smile”. A Swedish researcher in 2019 released a paper after examining over 11,000 participants worldwide that facial expressions can prompt us to feel the emotions we associate with them. Hence those who smile more will have less wrinkles on their face! So smile and let your emotions catch-up with your smile.

3. Fret: Fear and fury are closely related. One of the most common reactions to fear is fury. This is why the first reaction of a parent to a child that puts himself in danger is anger.

Anger will tag the hot-tempered as fools.

Proverbs 19:11 A person’s wisdom yields patience; it is to one’s glory to overlook an offense.

Prayer: Dear Jesus, make me wise, teach me to be patient, slow to anger and always smile at challenges. May anger never dictate my actions or words.  Amen

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