25 February 2023 – Anger Management – Part 7

Proverbs 27:4 Wrath is cruel, and anger is outrageous; but who is able to stand before envy?

Anger is a natural, normal God-given human emotion however when it gets out of control it becomes destructive. There are a series of physiological changes that happen to us when we get angry. Our face would be flushed; the increased blood flow in the limbs would gear our body to ‘fight mode’. “Anger” in itself is not a bad emotion but an outrageous reaction to provocation is harmful. Anger is always a secondary emotion. Underneath the anger there would be fear, frustration, pain, disappointment, shame, guilt, embarrassment, grief, depression, loneliness, fatigue, anxiety, and confusion. Anger turned inward causes depression.

Amnon, King David’s first born, violated his half-sister Tamar (Absolom’s sister).  Hence there was a deep seeded enmity between the sons of King David, Absalom and Amnon. The anger turned into rage as the bitterness consumed Absalom. David was a great king but he failed as a father. He took no action to correct Amnon for molesting Tamar. So Tamar lived as a desolate woman in her brother Absalom’s house (2 Samuel 13:20b). Absalom did not react immediately but he brooded over his anger for 2 years which turned into bitter-hatred until it erupted as outrageous despicable wrath. He connived a cunning plan, invited all his brothers for a party and when Amnon was ‘merry with wine’, Absalom signaled his servants to kill him. After murdering his brother Absalom went after his father’s throne and tried to displace King David and was boorishly killed in the battle.  

Anger and animosity destroys destinies:

1. Dangerous:  It is dangerous to harbour anger. Anger will affect us mentally, emotionally and physically. Anger can cause short and long term health problems such as chronic headaches, migraine, insomnia, anxiety, depression, high blood pressure, skin problems and heart attacks. Suppressing angry thoughts will increase our stress level and blood pressure. Take good counsel, vent your feelings and let it go. Anger fostered will burst into outrageous wrath overtime.

2. Destructive: Absalom’s anger incited him to take his brother’s life. Animosity grew into fierce wrath and he went after his father who did not respond to the wrong done to his sister. Wrath not only destroyed his sibling but ultimately destroyed Absalom’s destiny. Seek solutions for the injustice. If it is possible, meet the offender with an elder, a pastor or mutual friend and settle the matter. Wrath is cruel.  

3. Diabolical: When a spur of anger turns into rage and wrath, it becomes diabolical. Festering bitterness will invite diabolical invasion into our thoughts and infest us with cruel words and actions.  

Anger is a God-given emotion but harbouring anger turns into dangerous rage and destructive wrath.

Romans 12:19 Do not take revenge, my dear friends, but leave room for God’s wrath, for it is written: “It is mine to avenge; I will repay,” says the Lord.

Prayer: Father God, give me the spiritual strength to forgive even if the offender doesn’t deserve to be forgiven and never harbour anger, hatred or animosity.  Amen 

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