02 March 2023 – Second Best – Part 5

Genesis 12:1 Now the LORD had said to Abram: “Get out of your country, From your family And from your father’s house, To a land that I will show you. I will make you a great.

To get to God’s 1st best, Abraham had to leave back the 2nd best. Abraham had a lucrative business and a luxurious life in his father’s house. He would have taken over the thriving idol making business in the land of Ur where God called him from. Ur is in southern Iraq near the modern city of Basra. Ur was a walled city famous for precious metals such as gold and silver, and semi-precious stones. Hence idol making would have been a thriving business with the rich resources of the land. Abraham believed that God had a better and brighter future and obeyed the call of God.

God has something better than what you left behind.

God will replace anything that was taken away from us with something far better and more valuable. That is His nature. He is God. We must just trust that what we have lost is the 2nd best in order to inherit the 1st best. However, the condition is that we must first let go of the 2nd best. Abraham left his comfort zone in order to step into the unknown promises of God. He left his familiar environment, family and fortune to walk towards the unknown destination. God didn’t give him the itinerary or the destination.  

God’s 1st best requires implicit and explicit obedience:

1.     Unknown: God will only show us one step at a time. He will not give us the roadmap or the route. If He does, most of us will run back to our rabbit hole. The Lord God is the most incredible author of the exciting suspense in our storyline throughout the journey. However, the suspense will become stressful if we try to understand it with our human mind. Trust, obey and follow God’s leading into the unknown Promise Land.

2.     Unseen: We can enjoy the journey only when we see the unseen through the Word of God. Abraham was able to see his generation becoming a great nation even when his wife was barren in her late 80s! He saw his grandchildren, great, great, great grandchildren as kings, rulers and leaders of the world while his cradle was empty for over 80 odd years. “I will make you into a great nation, and I will bless you” (Genesis 12:2). See the unseen through the promises of God.

3.     Unparallel: God’s blessing to the obedient are unparallel and incomparable. The reward of obedience is always in the backend. We would not have even known about Abraham if he had not left his father’s house. Nothing we have can match what God can reward those who are willing to let go and follow Him.   

If God is moving you out of your comfort zone, move out boldly. Obedience is the pathway to God’s first best.

1 Corinthians 2:9 But as it is written, Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which God hath prepared for them that love him.

Prayer: Father God, thank you for the assurance that you are able to replace my earthly loss with a blessing that is beyond my human understanding.  Amen 

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