03 March 2023 – Second Best – Part 6

Number 14:12 Now give me this hill country that the Lord promised me that day. You yourself heard then that the Anakites were there and their cities were large and fortified, but, the Lord helping me, I will drive them out just as he said.”

God’s 1st best never comes easy. “You don’t get what you want, you get what you work for”. There will be a spiritual battle to get to our 1st best. The devil will try to convince us to settle for the 2nd best. We would want our pathway to be smooth but the road to success is never pain-free. Joshua’s generation had to fight to possess the land that was promised as their inheritance.

Hence we must not be surprised when we face challenges and crisis on our way to our destiny. In fact all of hell will be loosened when God moves us to the peak of the pinnacle. It is when we are very close to inheriting the promises of God that the ferocious giants will try to attack viciously.

The hill country of Hebron was the reward to Caleb’s faithfulness. The 10 spies petrified the crowd by spreading a pejorative version of the report about the Promised Land. But Caleb silenced the people before Moses and said, “We should go up and take possession of the land, for we can certainly do it.” (Numbers 13:30). Caleb’s inheritance, the hill country of Hebron, was no easy bait. There were giants living in the fortified cities of Hebron. Fighting on the mountain was extremely difficult as compared to battling on the plains. But Caleb went for the first best. Hebron is a very fertile land. The valley of Eschol from where the spies brought the cluster of grapes was located in Hebron. A single cluster of grapes were carried on a pole by two men! (Numbers 13:23). The Lord God supernaturally strengthened the 85 year old Caleb to defeat the giants and conquer the prolifically lush hilly countryside.

God’s 1st best requires a fight:

1.     Fortified: Hebron was a walled fortified city inhabited by Anakites. The 10 spies shivered in fear and said, We seemed like grasshoppers in our own eyes, and we looked the same to them (Numbers 13:33b). When we go for God’s 1st best, we will look like grasshoppers before the contenders but never look down on ourselves. He who is in us is greater than the one in the world!

2.     Fierce: Anakites were a formidable race of giants who lived in Hebron. They were fierce and ruthless. No man, no world system or forum can stop God’s best for us. Do not fear the formidable fierce enemy.

3.     Foray: Caleb attacked and defeated three prominent sons of Anakim and overthrew them. The 80 year old man was backed by the army of God to overthrow the giants.    

Fight for God’s best. Don’t give up when giants come against you.

1 John 4:4 Little children, you are from God and have overcome them, for he who is in you is greater than he who is in the world.

Prayer: Lord Jesus, may I never faint in fear but buck up my faith when the Anakites come against me. Give me the tenacity to push towards my purpose. Amen    

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