08 March 2023 – The Face of God – Part 4

Psalm 34:5 Those who look to him are radiant; their faces are never covered with shame.

The moon is the only natural satellite of the earth that orbits around the sun. The moon receives its energy from the sun and shines gloriously on a full moon night. The powerful high intensity rays of the sun travel through space and reflects from the moon’s surface. The sun is the energy source of the moon. The moon just positions itself to receive energy from the sun.

If we get on our face to be face-to-face with God we will radiate His glory. There are times when the earth gets in between the moon and the sun and the moon is completely covered by the shadow of the earth; the moon receives no light from the sun and hence becomes dark. A lunar eclipse is when the Moon moves into the Earth’s shadow, causing the moon to be darkened. Allegorically, when the worldworry and weariness comes in between God and us, we will stop receiving the light/guidance from the Lord. Worldliness clouds our mind with worry and weariness.  But those who sit in God’s presence to seek His face will be informed and illuminated in their spirit by the Holy Spirit. The face of God embellishes us with divine confidence, wisdom and understanding. The face of God reveals God’s character to us and reforms our character to reflect and radiate Him

The face of God illuminates our soul:

1.      Receive: The moon positions itself to receive energy from the sun and reflects back the light of the sun. All we have to do is position ourselves to receive insights from the face of God. Seek the Lord and His strength; Seek His face continually (1 Chronicles 16:11). Seeking His face means to consult God about everything. Talk to Him throughout the day. Taking His advice on both big and small matters will make us radiate the power of God through our lives.

2.      Reflect: The moon does not have any light of its own. It is only made up of rocks and debris, but when the sun light falls on it, the rocks are illuminated. Make Your face shine upon Your servant, And teach me Your statutes (Psalm 119:135). The face of God shining on us metaphorically means that His righteous ways and virtuous thoughts burn and shine through our lives. 

3.      Radiate: The moon is darkened if the earth blocks the sun’s rays from the moon. Likewise, if we are unplugged from the divine power source, we will run out of battery. The latest iPhone requires recharging every 17 hours! Be plugged in to the power source 24/7 to radiate the character of Christ. When we look to Him for everything, we will never be put to shame. Honour comes from the face of God.    

The face of God radiates God’s character, wisdom and love through our life.

Psalm 31:16: Make Your face to shine upon Your servant; Save me in Your loving kindness.

Prayer: Father of Lights, I will come to your presence face-to-face to be illuminated by you and to radiate your love to the world around me.  Amen.    

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