18 March 2023 – The Fear of the Lord – Part 7

Isaiah 11:2 The Spirit of the knowledge and fear of the Lord

The Fear of God is an anointing that rested upon Jesus. It is an anointing that kept Him aligned with His purpose on earth and kept Him connected to the Heavenly Father. Jesus said, I will never say anything that I have not heard my Father say.  He also said, “My food,” said Jesus, “is to do the will of him who sent me and to finish his work (John 4:34). Even Lucifer who attacked Him vicariously with temptations, insinuations and suggestions could not derail Jesus from God’s divine plan. Jesus was able to see the vicious spirits behind the creamy conniving suggestions. When the rich ruler addressed Jesus as “Good Teacher”, Jesus was not flattered. He stopped him at once and corrected the flattery. Likewise, the Pharisees tried to provoke Him by calling Him names but they could not incite Jesus with anger.

We, the disciples of Jesus, are called to reflect Christ likeness to the world. We are called to think like Jesus, talk like Jesus and testify as Jesus did. We cannot have the flavour of Jesus unless we are anointed with the Spirit of the Fear of the Lord. The Spirit of the Fear of the Lord is the anointing that keeps us aligned to the heart of God. The Spirit of the Fear of God in us will never allow us to do anything that will separate the intimacy and closeness with Him.

Be anointed with the Spirit of the Fear of the Lord:

1.     Connected:The anointing of the fear of the Lord is like the wifi connection. We will be connected 24/7. It is the anointing that keeps our conversation with the Heavenly Father uninterrupted and clear. Sin, doubt and anger can cause interruption in the signal from heaven. The spirit of the fear of God facilitates continuous and constant connection with our Heavenly Father.

2.     Calm: The anointing of the fear of the Lord keeps us calm and confident even in crucible circumstances. We will be calm, not careless. There are those who numb their feelings to keep themselves calm. They will shut their eyes to reality and try to be calm but the serenity from the spirit of the fear of God is a calm-confidence that God is in control, and He will ultimately work out all things for good.

3.     Creative:The anointing of the Spirit of the Lord makes us creative. Jesus had no set pattern of healing or preaching. He healed a leper by touching him and he spoke healing to a blind with just two words – ‘be healed’. The same creativity will rest upon us when we are anointed with the Spirit of the Fear of God.

The spirit of the fear of God is an anointing that will align us to the will of God. We will be in constant connection, calm-confidence and creative with the anointing of the Spirit of the fear of God.

Matthew 4:  By the Spirit He was led into the wilderness to fast.

Prayer: Dear Jesus, I want the same anointing of the Spirit of the Fear of God to rest upon me and to lead me to do your will and fulfil your purpose on earth. Amen

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